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Chapter 8:Mac N' Cheese

Kylie's POV

"What do you want to do now?" Jake asked, taking the last bite out of his pizza.

We had taken Arch's offer on pizza when we were all gamed out. Jake had beaten me in most of the new games, but I beat him on the old games My high score still stood on that old game and I was proud. Jake didn't want to stop playing it, but I made him by challenging him to a basketball match. (He won by the way)

"I don't know," I shrugged, taking the last bite of my pizza.

I thought about something to do when an idea popped into my head. "Maybe we can go to the beach."

"The beach?"

"Yeah," I nodded. "The weather looks good for a visit to the beach."

I don't know why, but I just really felt like going to the beach. The beach was like therapy for me. I always felt relaxed when I sat on the soft sand staring out at the water or even walking on the shore. I loved feeling the breeze and light spray of water on my skin. It was where I can let my thoughts roam free.

He smiled, dusting his hands. "Alright, the beach it is then."

We got up from our table and Jake left a tip for Arch, who gave us our pizza free of charge. I was glad that I got to see Arch again. He brought back happy memories from when my dad was still here.

We walked out the door and this time I didn't cross the street like a lunatic. Instead, I walked side by side with Jake who threw his arm over my shoulder.

I didn't say anything to Jake and I didn't move his arm away from me. It felt quite comfortable being under his arm. His warmth invited me to lean into him even more. His arm tightened around me, making me look up at him. He looked down at me with a grin. I smiled back at him then looked away blushing.

I haven't blushed this much in a long time. I've probably never even blushed because of a guy's charming smile or flirtatious remarks and that's probably because I've never had a guy smile at me the way Jake does or even flirt with me. But let me just say- I am glad that I have never experienced blushing before because honestly, it sucks. I already feel uncomfortable even though I was pretty sure Jake can't see my face.

We made it across safe and sound. Jake guided us to the parking lot where both our jeeps were parked.

"So, I guess I'll take you back here after the beach to get your car?" he suggested.

"Yeah," I nodded. "That sounds good."

He took his arm off my shoulder and the warmth disappeared. I admit, I felt a bit disappointed. His arm was beginning to grow on me, and I missed it.

He pulled out his keys and pointed the remote at a beautiful vehicle. It was a jeep like mine, but his was red and it looked a lot more shiny.

"Like my ride?" Jake smirked, winking.

I smacked his arm playfully then laughed. "Yes, I do."

He chuckled and opened the passenger door. "Madam," he motioned for me to enter the vehicle.

"Why, thank you kind sir." I smiled, climbing into the jeep.

He got into the driver's seat not even a minute later and started up the engine, driving smoothly out of the parking lot and down the road toward the closest beach. He turned up the radio and Love Me Harder by Ariana Grande started playing.

My eyes widened and I eyed Jake from the corner of my eye. He was holding a smirk on his face, making me roll my eyes. I turned down the volume because, to be honest, that song is kind of disturbing if you actually read into the lyrics and no matter how catchy it is, it will always disturb me.

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