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Chapter 14: Time For A Change

Kylie's POV

"When do we start?" I demanded to know, slamming my hands on the counter causing flakes of fake dust to fly off. I swatted the dust away from my face. "I do not think that's sanitary."

Dustin, who did not know I was going to show up here unannounced, looked at me with amused eyebrows. He leaned forward on the counter. "Well, hello to you too."

I rolled my eyes. "Now's not the time to be sarcastic."

He stood straight, casually folding his arms. "What are you doing here? Is Ryan with you?"

I shook my head. "I came on my own. Ryan is probably doing whatever Ryans do, but that's not the point. I want to know when your so called 'Game Plan' is supposed to play out?"

A bell chimed from behind him and he picked up a tray of food then walked out from behind the counter. "The plan plays out when I say so."

He placed the order down in front of a young blonde woman who was sitting by herself. She flashed him a flirtatious grin and he winked back at her. I rolled my eyes and followed him as he went over to another table and started clearing it.

"So-ooo, when will that be? Monday? Friday? Tomorrow?"

He chuckled at me. "Why are you being so persistent?"

I snorted. "Because I could've died today! I could've died and no one would have notice my dead body lying in an abandoned old classroom because some stuck up snob covered everything up with her evil witch magic!"

Dustin rose a questioning brow. "A bit dramatic don't you think?"

Absolutely not, I'm never dramatic!

"Hey!" I began to defend. "You do not know the evil that is Madison Carlisle like the rest of the unpopular people do."

He shook his head and continued walking until we were both inside the back kitchen. He took off his apron and hung it up on the wall. "Ellen, I'm clocking out!" He shouted. He then looked at me. "Wait here." He made his way towards the chefs who were busy cooking. He leaned into one of them, saying something. The chef nodded towards a part of the kitchen I couldn't see.

While waiting for Dustin I observed the kitchen. It was small, but big enough for the cooks to move around and for ingredients to be stored. It wasn't super busy like big fancy restaurants, but there was still movement. The cooks seemed pretty close to each other, laughing at stories and telling jokes while they were cooking. It looked like a fun environment to be around and I wondered if this was the reason why Dustin was working here.

"C'mon, pipsqueak." Dustin said, finally coming out from where ever he came from . "You can tell me about how you 'could've died' over fettuccine and garlic bread and maybe I'll consider starting the Game Plan early."

I gaped at him. "When you hear the words 'Madison Carlisle' and 'could've died' you shouldn't consider it. You should automatically lay out the plan and prepare for war!" He stared at me with a blank expression. "Fine, I'll tell you and let you consider."

He smirked at me. "That's what I thought."

He pushed me out the back door and lead me through the parking lot until we were standing in front of a sleek black mustang.

"You own this?" I asked, walking around, admiring the car.

"Yeah," He grinned proudly at the car. "I worked hard for this baby. Plus,you need a car to match the attitude."

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