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Chapter 4: Don't Touch My Oreos

Kylie's POV

I didn't know what I was thinking. I guess me being the fastest runner in elementary school got to my head. I hadn't raced anybody since my brother had gone to college and I had gotten out of shape since then. Coach Donner had ordered us to run four laps around the field, and our field was huge. I just thank the Lord that it wasn't the football field.

As I was saying, around the third lap my energy had disappeared and I was too tired to complete my laps. I was ahead of Cameron, but that loser had caught up to me and was ahead. When we finished our laps it was Cameron who won the challenge instead of me and now...

"Sharpen my pencil, peasant!" Cameron ordered.

Yup, I was his slave and this was going to happen for the whole week.

"It's so far," I complained, attempting to reach for the sharpener from my seat.

"Is that objection I hear?" he asked, putting a hand to his ear.

"No, your royal highness," I muttered, grabbing his pencil from him.

Cameron had made up a two rules to this "Slave for a week" thing.

1. I had to refer to him as your highness or your majesty.

2. If I objected to a task I would have to strip naked and run around the entire field during lunch or have ice cold water dumped on me.

I hadn't objected to any of his tasks just yet because frankly, I didn't want to run around the school naked or get ice cold water dumped on me. His tasks weren't as horrible as I thought they would be. All he had asked me to do was get him things that he easily could have gotten himself.

I sharpened his pencil and when I turned around I found myself clashing into yet another body. I opened my eyes - I had closed them while bumping into the person - seeing a large figure standing in front of me. I looked up to see a pair of gorgeous brown eyes moments later realizing that it was Jake Bryant, Grayson's best friend.

"I'm so sorry," I muttered silently taking a step back.

He chuckled. "No, it's alright. It was clearly my fault. I shouldn't have been standing so close." He cocked his head to the side with confusion. "Are you a new student?"

Of course he would think I was a new student.

"Oh, uh, no." I objected quietly. "I've been here since freshman year."

"Oh... I didn't know that." He rubbed his neck, with a sheepish grin. "Sorry."

We stood there awkwardly, not saying anything, just looking at each other. I cleared my throat and decided to speak up first.

I gave him a smile. " I should probably go back to my seat now."

"Yeah, me too."

I took a step forward just as he grabbed my arm. I turned around and looked into his eyes.

"I know we have never talked before and I kind of came off as a douche, but can I get your number and you can have mine?" he asked, shuffling his feet.

My number?

You know, that thing you give to people so they can contact you? My inner voice said.

Oh, right. But is it a good idea to give it to him. I mean I don't even like to talk to people.

But you're talking to Jane and Cameron. It pointed out.

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