e i g h t e e n (part 2)

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Chapter 18: Drunken Mishaps Part 2



God, is that you? I gasped, looking down trying to cover my slightly revealing chest. Forgive me, Big Man for I know not what I am doing because life is filled with so many majestic things like puppies and ice cream and OREOS!

"Kylie what are you doing!?"

That's not God... That sounds a lot like my favorite roomie. I giggled.

"Grayson!" I squealed, throwing my hands up lazily. "Come and join me!"

He frowned down at me from the edge of the pool.

"Why so serious?" I growled copying his frown.

"Are you drunk?"

"Of course not silly," I giggled, wading to him. "I don't drink alcohol."

"Then what have you been drinking?"

"Fruit punch," I grinned. "You should come swim with me. The water's not so cold anymore." I smiled evily to myself. Because I took a pee-wee. " Come in, pleeeeease?"

"Where the hell is Jake?" He muttered to himself shaking his head. He leaned down and offered me his hand. "Come on, let's go find Jake."

I shook my head, pouting. "Why do I always have to find Jake? I don't want to find him. He has to find me, he was supposed to bring me a towel."

He shook his head at me. "You f*cking humiliated yourself in the DJ's booth if front of a hundred people then dived off a stupid diving board to get people to help you find him and now you don't want to?"

I folded my arms. "I changed my mind."

"Then let's go find your friends."

My friends? My friends are awesome. I love my friends. My friends should have lots of towels.

"Okay," I giggled, taking his hands. He pulled me out of the pool effortlessly. "You're so strong." I giggled then gasped. "Oh my goodness, you have muscles!"

Poke, poke, poke.

"Owie! Why did you slap my hand?" I slapped his arm. "You bully."

"Kylie how much of that punch did you drink?"

"Hmm," I hummed to myself thinking. "Only about a few dozen?"

"A few- a few dozen?" He groaned. "Alright, yup, definitely need to find your friends."

"Are you my friend?"


"But why?" I looked at him, confused. Then jumped up and down when I spotted someone in the corner of my eye. "Oooh look! There's Leo, let's go say hi."

I grabbed onto his hand and pulled him with me to where Leo was sitting on a chair by the bar. "Hey Leeeeoo, my favorite dude-y pie!"

Leo looked at me then looked at Grayson, laughing. "Please don't tell me she's drunk."

I hopped to Leo, poking his arms. "Heheh you have muscles too." I looked around me. "Oh my yummy-ness! There are muscles every where. Big, strong, smooth arm muscles and tummy muscles." I giggled, then whispered. "I bet my boyfriend's muscles are better."

"She's definitely drunk... and she jumped off that f*cking thing?" Leo snorted. "Where the hell is Jake?"

"I don't know that's why I'm dumping her here with you."

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