A/N Somewhat Important

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Hello current readers! I am astonished that you have made it this far..... It's not that far but still... yeah, you get it right?

It was a joke.

*awkward silence*


A thought had occurred to me while writing this chapter and a few of the ones before it. Actually, it may have been two thoughts. The first thought was that I'm either going to rewrite this book, but leave this copy here or just make extreme edits. The second thought was that I'm going to change Grayson's name seeing as this isn't exactly a fan-fiction story. (I have exciting news for those who would like a Dolan Twin fanfic :D)

That's pretty much it, but don't worry because until I finish this book everything will renain the same.

Also, sorry that this was not an update. I wish it was, to be honest, but these last few weeks of school have been pretty hectic with exams and projects.

Not to worry though because I have only five days left and summer vacation will be full of updates!

*crowd erupts into cheers and applause*

Chapter twenty-two...  is coming to you!!


That rhymed.

~milktomycookies out!

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