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Chapter 10: It's the Bailes

Kylie's POV


Monday can suck it.

Monday can go jump off a cliff and never return.

You might as well just call me Garfield because that's how much I hate Monday right now.

If you're a normal teenager you can obviously relate. Actually, I take that back. If you're a normal human being you can relate. I mean look at all the memes they makes about Monday. I bet if Monday had feelings it would need to get some type of therapy for all the negativity it gets.

"Gah!" I groan, slamming my locker shut. "Monday, you evil day, you." I muttered, making my way to my first class.

I guess you can assume that I may have kinda sorta woken up on the wrong side of the bed, but you can't exactly blame me. If you must blame someone, blame Grayson. He's the main reason for my bad attitude. He's the reason why I just want to strangle anyone who comes in my way. He infuriates me so much, I just want to grab him, smash him into the ground, stab him a trillion times just to revive him and stab him a trillion more times!

Mr. Douchanator thought it would be funny to sneak into my room last night and rearrange all of my things- including me. When I woke up this morning I was no longer in my bed, but in my very stuffy closet. Very confused, I freed myself from the closet and was shocked to see that all my things had been tossed out of their drawers, my neat desk and shelf had been messed up beyond belief, and my entire bed was torn apart. To say I was mad would be an understatement; I was furious. I was so full of rage that if I were a deity the earth would shake and the sky would rumble and death would be upon one very unlucky teenage turd.

Soon after, I charged out of my room to confront him, but the coward had done a hit n' split. For thirty minutes I got ready attempting to calm down. But just when I thought I was okay to go downstairs and eat breakfast I noticed a package of Oreos sitting splat in the middle of my floor. Oreos, that had been hidden in one of my drawers, unopened, untouched. When I checked the package, it was empty. Not a single Oreo in sight. Silently I vowed that someone would die. It may not be today, it may not be tomorrow, but someday Grayson Dolan's life will end and I will have avenged my fallen cookies.... And my messy room of course.

Okay, so maybe I did deserve what I got after having kicked Grayson in the groin. Should I be glad that he didn't cause any physical harm? Yes. Should I leave it alone and call it even? Yes. Will I leave it alone and call it even? No. That guy may have not hurt me physically, but he did hurt me emotionally. Seriously, how's a girl supposed to feel after you messed up her entire room and ate all her special cookies? I wanted revenge and revenge is what I will get. If getting my revenge means the start of war then so be it. Somebody should go tell Mr. Jerkwad that I said, "Bring. It. On."

Oh sweet, sweet revenge.

Grayson Dolan has not seen anything yet, but he will. You better believe it.

I continued walking through the empty hallway, planning my revenge when I heard a sound that you could compare to a stampede. Deciding that it was probably just a bunch of stupid jocks, I ducked my head down and walked faster.

"There she is!" A familiar voice shouted, adding to the stamping feet.

Out of instinct from previous bullying, I started making a run for it not caring about the looks I got from the very few early students that were in the building.

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