t w e n t y f o u r

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Chapter 24: The Bailes Are in Charge

"You're joking, right?" Grayson asked Andrew and my mom as Cameron and Jane pulled into our driveway."You've got to be."

"Your sibling bond is not a laughing matter, Grayson." Andrew said, folding his arms as he watched my friends park in our driveway.

All of a sudden the car doors flew open and music blared from the Bailes' car as Cameron along with Jane slid out of the vehicle, sliding sunglasses onto their faces. Jane flipped her hair and Cameron ran a hand through his. They both began dusting the invisible dust off their shoulders and popping the collars on their leather jackets all of which were in slow motion..

I looked between them and their employers, (Andrew and my mom) speechless.

"You're joking , right?" I said, repeating what Grayson had just said. "You've got to be. Please tell me you're joking."

"Kylie, Kylie, Kylie," Jane tsked, striding on over to the porch with her brother behind her. "This is no joking matter. Lives are at stake because of you and your brother's horrible, horrible choices in hating each other. I mean seriously, just look at your parents." She gestured towards them. "They're heartbroken."

I glanced at my mom whose eyes had widened in slight panic before she covered her mouth as a dramatic sob escaped her lips and she turned to Andrew who wrapped his arms aroumd her in comfort. He shushed her, his own overly saddened expression plastered all over his face.

"You two are a disgrace amongst twins!" Cameron declared, coming up from behind us. "How could you have let this come so far?"

"He started it!" I exclaimed, pointing at Grayson, before I could even register in my mind how stupid this probably seemed.

Grayson clenched his jaw shut and glared at me. "Your existence started it."

I rolled my eyes. "If I didn't exist then neither would have you."

He opened his mouth like he was about to say something, but Jane cut him off.

"It doesn't matter who started it!"

Grayson and I both shot daggers at Jane who had just yelled at us (Which was something that just happened to be an automatic instinct for the both of us when it came to expressing our anger or disbelief, and most likely anything that dealed with something we thought was stupid.) Now that I thought about it, we had a lot in common when it came to being infuriated with people and I guess that's why we could never settle anything between us. Because we both have this need to always be right, and always be in charge and not be taken advantage of. You could say that we had "anger issues" but we're honestly not that bad.

Jane took a small step back and eyed us. "Slow your roll people or you'll be cruisin' for a bruisin'."

"Now, I think that you would probably have no problem taking on Kylie." Grayson started, while I tried my best not to look offended even though my jaw was dropped and my eyes were  scrunched up. He then smirked at her (I still had on my offended -constipated- facial expression.) "What could you possibly do to me?"

Cameron pulled his sister away, and got up in Grayson's face. "She won't be doing anything, I will."

Grayson snickered, looked away, and then quickly pretended to jump at Cam, who flinched.

Jane pulled her brother to the side while Cameron whined. "Did you see that? He tried to attack me!"

Jane slapped his arm. "Man up!"

Grayson chuckled and glanced at me, then did a double take. "What?"

(You're probably thinking I still looked constipated, but NO... I didn't.)

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