Your first encounter (Caius)

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Hey Guys! I apologize for the very very slow update I promise I will be better it! Please comment and vote! Comment who I should do next or what preferences you would like to see!!

"Alec and Jane please stop," I said to my younger siblings as we walked into town. I could hear them messing around behind me but they quickly stopped. They were fraternal twins and to say I was the only who could control them was an understatement. Everyone believed that my siblings were horrible witches who were cursed by Satan himself. They did cause harm to people only if they were harm themselves, our parents feared them and killed themselves leaving me to keep care of them. I was only 18 years of aged, I should have been married long ago but no one wanted the twin's sister.

"Sister, are you going to leave us like mother and father did?" I looked down to see bright blue eyes staring at me and I smiled sadly at Jane. "Of course not. Why would I ever do that?" She smiled happily at me and Alec joined my side. I turned around when I heard a branch break and saw nothing. I have been hearing things for the past few weeks leading up to our parent's death. My siblings weren't the only ones fear by the town, I was too. Who did you think taught them?

"Jane...Alec come here please. I don't need you two to get sick my loves," they smiled sweetly and I held my arms out so they could hide under my arms under my red cloak.

"Oh, Miss Y/l/n! Haven't you heard! Why you must leave town immediately!" I was stopped Helena, an old store owner who loved us dearly.

"Helena whatever do you speak of?" I asked clearly confused and she pulled me inside her shop and locked the doors and closed the curtains. "The Romans are attacking soon! And before they do they mayor has decided your siblings have the powers of the Devil so he ordered that they'll be burned on a stake at noon tomorrow!" My eyes widened in horror and I looked out the window and saw Alec and Jane torturing the children of the town.

"Thank you Helena for telling me. I must make arrangements this very moment to travel to Rome to stay with my aunt. Goodbye dear friends!" I pecked her cheek and hurried out of the shop, I grabbed Jane and Alec but their collars and ran back to our cottage on the outskirts of the town.

*Few hours later*

"Jane and Alec do you have your sacks packed?" I asked quietly as I wiped my hands on my dress and turned to face them. Jane nodded sadly and grasped Alec's hand. Jane's blonde hair was up in a tight bun as she wore a blue long sleeved dress that ended above her knees. Alec wore some black trousers and a white shirt.

"We are sorry sister, we have made your life a lot harder than it needs to be," Alec said with a frown and I pulled him into a hug, "Do not fret my dear brother, but we mustn't waste time. We need to leave as soon as possible before they come to retrieve us."

There was a knock on the door and I slowly walked over to answer it, thinking it might been our cousin Nathaniel. I swung it opened to only see three men in black cloaks.

"Ah, hello our sweet mi amour. May we come in?" The first on asked, he had long black hair and had bright red eyes just like the other two. I raised an eyebrow and glared, "Who are you and what do you want? We have no money or food to spare as we are preparing for a great journey." He smiled a beautiful sight and closed his eyes as if he was experiencing great pleasure.

"Don't you smell good, we might have to keep you for ourselves? We are here to see your younger siblings." I glanced at the blonde man behind him as he was staring into my soul. I looked at them all and could see they had not bad intentions.

I moved aside to let them in and they rushed past me with great speed. Alec and Jane stared at them for the first time with fear and I went to stand behind them, placing a hand on each of their shoulders.

"What do you want with them?" The man with the long black hair looked at me again with the same creepy smile then back to the twins.

"Well, my dear. We have been watching you three for a very long time, admiring your amazing gifts! We wanted to wait to change you two when you were older but we must act now. As it seems the town wishes to destroy you two." I stepped forward, now mad.

"YOU are the people that been watching us? YOU beasts! What even are you?!"

"I am Aro, the blonde is Caius, and this is Marcus. We are vampires, the Volturi and we wish for your siblings to join us. IF they do, we will change them into what we are and they will not be harmed by no one and they will never die." My heart stopped for a moment and I felt someone squeeze my hand. I looked down and saw Jane.

"Sister, we will do this for you. So we can protect you, we are not afraid. Please," I looked to Alec and he nodded. I sighed. "We will join you, only if we get to bring our sister with us." My head snapped over to Alec and he squeezed my hand.

"Of course child. Now come with us." Caius finally spoke up and grabbed my arm lightly as the rest were guided out.

*One week later*

"Hello mi amour," I turned swiftly to see Caius giving me a small smile, "Hello Caius, I didn't think you would come out into sunlight." He chuckled softly and grasped my small hand in his, Aro had explained to me that I was Caius mate and that I was now his. The twins were changed one we entered the castle walls and gained their powers back. Jane could inflict pain on anyone with a simple glance, and Alec could take away the senses. They looked even more beautiful and were now immortal, they have decided to change me once I was married with Caius and I couldn't disagree.

Caius seemed like a cold heartless person but really he wasn't. HE cared and loved me and I couldn't ask for more.

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