He hurts you/you hurt him/hurt each other

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"Yn! Welcome home sweetheart!" I smiled at Esme as she rushed over to pull me into a hug. No, I didn't live here but I certainly felt like I did.

"Where's Edward?" She smiled and motioned outside.

"He's hunting right now, but he'll be back shortly. I'm sure he can smell you, let me fix you something to eat. You're starting to look a little to skinny." She eyed my closely and brought me to a chair.

A little while later.....

"Here's you coffee Yn, now lets talk about my future grand-" I was saved by Emmett's very loud entrance.
He burst through the door and caught sight of me, "oh Y/n/n I thought I smelt you! Aren't you tired of this old man, especially when you got me!"

I rolled my eyes and soon felt Edward's cool arms wrap around me while he pressed a kiss to my cheek.
"Hello love, how was your morning," I smiled and tried to turn around to face him but couldn't in his iron grip. "Wonderful, I was just talking with Esme." She smiled at us and took my hand.

'Yes, I was just talking to Yn about my future grandchildren!" Edward tended around me and raised his head from my shoulder.

"Esme. You know we can't have kids-"
"What do you mean we can't Edward?" I asked turning to face him and raised an eyebrow.
"Y/n. Since I'm a vampire we can never have children. I thought you knew..."
in that moment I stopped breathing and got up from my stool. I had to get out of here, I needed some air.

"Y/n, love are you ok?" Edward asked cautiously and I continued to back away from him and felt Jasper's chest.

"Y/n calm down. You're emotions are controlling your decisions-" I jumped away and ran towards the door only to be followed by Edward.

"Y/n where are you going?" He read my mind and stopped in his place, his face broke into s pained expression.
"I'm sorry I can't give you kids Y/n but I can give you everything else. I'll be here to love you forever can't that be enough for us." I gripped my doors handle and looked up at him so he could see my tears.

"I need time"


I walked into Emily's house only to be greeted with a big bear hug.

"Ayy! It's Y/n we missed you loca!" Paul cheered and I smiled.

"Aw, I missed my wittle puppies too!" He pretended to growl but I slapped his chest playfully and he let me in. Emily looked up from the stove and smiled at me, "Y/n! We haven't seen you in a while, could you maybe help me out here?" I nodded and started helping Emily cook.

I placed all the food on the table only to see it disappear in seconds. Jared burped and I scrunched up my nose, "Gross Jay," he chuckled and Embry pushed him slightly.

"I've forgotten how good your food was y/n!" I rolled my eyes and sat down at the table and was handed s plate of food. I looked up to see my cousin Jacob, "thanks for saving me some." He ruffled my hair and I swatted him away.

The door slid opened revealing Leah, Seth, Quil, and Sam. Seth looked up and his eyes landed on me, he rushed over and quickly took the seat next to me with the biggest smile on his face.

"I missed you so much baby, please don't leave again like that." I forced a smile this time and nodded.

"I missed you too Sethie," I caught Jacob's glance and I hurriedly looked away. Only Jacob and Paul knew why and where I was.

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