You/He hurts you/Him (Emmett pt.2)

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That's all I could feel as my spin shatter as if it was made from glass. The sickening cracking sound was the only thing alerting us that this was real.

That this was really happening.

Carlisle dropped the ball running over quickly to me, placing his cooling hands on my forehead as I screamed bloody murder in Emmett's arms.

"Oh no! Y/n what have I done! I didn't mean to do this I swear," Emmett began to bellow. I didn't have the strength to comfort him.

"Carlisle we need to hurry she's starting to go in and out. I can hear those vampire's minds, they'll be here soon, and if they see her like this. James won't be able to stop". Edward spoke as his golden eyes watched me closely, worry swimming in them. Even though I joked around with him, I knew he truly cared for me.

"You're right, she doesn't have much time left," Carlisle rose up and looked into the forest ahead of him, "Emmett, you are going to have to cradle her as gently as possible". Emmett looked at me again and shook his head, "I can't, look at what I've done to-"

"Emmett. She will die if you don't. I-I can't see her future anymore..." Alice said in a whisper towards the end. I attempted to raise my hand up to cup his face, but it fell limp to my side, "Emmy please, I-I know y-you're scared but p-please", my words began to slur, till everything fell black.

"Carlisle it's be three days!"

"Patience Emmett, her body went through so much. It needs to heal at its own past."

"But, when Carlisle? The venom only flowed to half of her body."

"I-I don't know. We'll have to see whenever she is ready to wake up."

Those were the first things I heard as I became conscious. I couldn't move and I couldn't speak. The only thing I can do is listening to the three voices in the room surrounding me. I can barely make out who they were, but I for sure knew one was Carlisle, and the other Emmett. They were close to my right side, a pressure upon my wrist as if I was being held down.

What the hell is going on?

I need to move, to do something!

As I laid completely still on the table, I began to feel a heat. A heat that started at my toes, and slowly made its way up my body. The higher it went up my body, the hotter it got. I wanted to scream, to let someone knew to set this fire out. Did Emmett leave? Did someone set the house on fire to cover up my dead body?

I began to burn, my heart ached as it burned and simmered as if a fire sat right on top of it. If I could move, I know I'll be scratching at my skin to stop this, to end this eternal suffering.

"Carlisle, her heartbeat is picking up! Shouldn't it be stopping", when I finally heard Emmett's voice again, I finally noticed my heart. He was right; my heart was beating at an insane rate. A rate any normal person's heart would have exploded at.

Till it stopped.

Everything was calm and quiet around me. And that's when I opened my eyes.

I sat up on the table and looked around the huge white room I was placed in. I looked out the window and noticed how I saw things I never could have seen before.

"Y/n? Babe, look at me", I turned towards to silky voice that tempted me and saw my Emmett. His eyes were pitch black and he appeared shock, "Your-your eyes are still y/e/c!" I stood up and looked into the mirror, seeing myself.

I still looked the same as always but, enhanced ? I looked the same but better, I turned back to Emmett and gave him a big hug.

He slowly returned it, still hesitant in his actions around me, "I knew you could save me Emmy, I knew it." A throat clearing was heard from behind us , I looked around and spotted Carlisle.

"It appears that you are still human, but also one of us? I didn't know it was possible for a hybrid to be created like this." I smiled anyway and looked back at Emmett who smiled fondly back at me.

"You know what that means right hun?" I asked Emmett and he hummed.

"No protection?"

"NO! All night Mario kart races!"


Jacob will be next!!


Also let me know what y'all would think of a Mystic Messenger preference/imagine book???

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