Edward Imagine pt.1 of series

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"Omg Y/n, have you heard about the new girl? I think her name is Bella-but anywho-"
I ignored Jessica as she kept rattling on. All she ever did was gossip like I would care to know about every mortal that walked these halls.

"She TOTAL has the hots for Edward and to make it worse they sit together in chemistry-"

I stopped walking causing Jessica to run straight into my hard back. I turned around slowly as my black eyes scanned hers.

"The FUCK you just say to me?" I all but growled at her as she backed down in fear.

"I-I thought you should know before s-she tries to steal Ed-"
"Bella Swan right?"
She simply nodded as I strutted away towards my English class.

"I-I thought you should know before s-she tries to steal Ed-""Bella Swan right?" She simply nodded as I strutted away towards my English class

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(What u r wearing because u r a bad b who don't fear Bella stealing ur man)

As I entered the classroom I noticed everyone was hyped up. They were all whispering as I made my way to my seat towards the back. When Ms.Fratesi finally came in she entered with a girl.

The girl was the love child of plain and boring. She looked around the classroom shyly before the teacher pointed towards me.

"You can go sit next to Y/n Cullen. She's a sweet girl!" The girl walked over towards my desk and sat down, obviously intimidated by my presence.

"It's nice to meet you, so what's your name?" I slapped a smile onto my face as she tried to look at me.

"Um, Bella Swan, I'm new here?"

Are you kidding me?

I continued to smile at her as I leaned on the desk, "Oh yes! I heard about you, everyone is just SO excited because of you!"

She breathed out a small laugh of embarrassment while trying to put her hair behind her ear.

"I'm nothing exciting really"
I looked her over softly and couldn't help but agree.

"Well don't worry, it'll only be a matter of time before you're know longer the fresh, shiny, new toy!" Her eyes widened at my words, but I tuned towards the front before she could respond.

Now I know what you're probably thinking "why am I so obsessed over Edward even though I know I have nothing to fear" to tell you the truth I don't really know?

Maybe it's because I already lost him once and I don't want that to happen again.

*Flashback to 1918*

"Y/n, Edward is outside! Hurry up or you'll both be late!" My mother yelled from down the hall as I rushed past her. She handed me my lunch and backpack before sending me out the door.

My heels clicked against the ground as Edward stood against his black car with a smile.

"I swear Y/n you won't be on time for your own funeral," I rolled my eyes, of course Edward had to make a joke out of this.

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