Demetri pt.2

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"This wasn't really necessary," I finally spoke as I was led to a new room.

"This wasn't really necessary," I finally spoke as I was led to a new room

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"He simply insisted madam, he wants to best for his mate." A small Italian girl said as she tugged in my all my new clothes.

It has been more than a week since I've been trapped here. I have only see my mother three times since she left me here.
Two nights ago...

There was a knock at my door as I laid in bed. I got out of bed cautiously since no one ever knocked and the only person who did has already came by.

"Y/n it's me! Open up!" Before I knew it I had swung the door open to reveal my mother, she smiled happily at me and pulled me into a hug.

"Ah I missed you so much, I couldn't help but worry about you. Demetri told me how you barely been eating you look like a-"

"It's good to see you too but now let's go!" I grabbed her hand and started tugging her out the exit for freedom til she stopped me.

"What do you think you are doing?"
"Escaping obviously, wasn't that the whole point of you coming anyway?" She turned me back towards her, her face more serious than I have ever seen it.

"Y/n. You have to stay here. You are the mate of a member of the volturi guard! Do you not see how lucky you are- how lucky we are!" I stared blankly at her as she rambled on about how this was an advantage to us.
She didn't come to save me.

She came to ensure that I would behave and not mess this up

That's all I ever was to her.

Something she could use to make sure she never aged another day

"Get out"

She wiped around to look at me as she stopped talking mid sentence.
"Excuse me sweetheart?"
" I. Said. GET OUT!" I screeched at her, she jumped back as I screamed. She hurried to grab her stuff and ran to the door way," Y/n I only want what's best-"
"GET FUCK OUT OF HERE!" She rushed out of my room as I followed to slam the door shit behind her. Locking the door to make sure everyone got the message to leave me alone.

Ends of flashback

"Do you like it?"

I jumped as I turned around only to see Demetri. I placed my hand over my heart as its rate only increased at the sight of him even more.
He stood in the doorway of the room watching me with nervous eyes. His hands twitched slightly as I continued to stay quiet.

"It's nice I-"
"You don't like it? I knew you wouldn't like this I should of chose something even better than this for you-"

"Demetri no I do like it! I was just going to say this wasn't necessary at all". He stopped his rambling and looked down shyly.

"Lunch will be served shortly so just rest" he reminded before leaving.

Again like I said a weird guy

"Oh madam you just look so stunning I'm sure Demetri would even say so!" I stared at my reflection in the full length mirror.

"Oh madam you just look so stunning I'm sure Demetri would even say so!" I stared at my reflection in the full length mirror

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Among all my clothes the maid dragged in my mother had managed to sneak in some of my own. Probably the first she ever did right in her life.

I sighed softly and brought my hands to my thighs, "I highly doubt that he is literally the most awkward guy I have ever known!" She smirked and came up closer to me.

"Well if I had someone who looked as good as you I would be just as nervous as him," I rolled my eyes as I continue to just stare at myself. She did have a point I did look pretty damn good.

"Besides, he has never been in love before or known of it. You are his mate so it's only natural for him to act this way," she pulled my sleeves down a little before whispering, "especially in a place like this. You don't even know how lucky you are to be living freely in a room like this. The other wives would think so anyway." She moved away from quickly to busy herself with other things before I could question what she meant.

The other wives?
Aro, Marcus, and Caius are married?

Who in the hell would marry Caius bitchass?!

I was pushed from my thoughts by a knock at my door.

Angelina, the maid, giggled softly before going towards the door. She bowed lightly, "She awaits."

I wouldn't see Demetri throughout the day (today was just an exception) so every night he made sure he would join me for dinner...even if it was only one-sided.

Did I like Demetri?


Was he a good person who I didn't mind seeing everyday and maybe he even causes my heart to skip a few beats?

Yes, yes he was.

Demetri glided into the room seemingly distracted as his eyes haven't even graced me yet.

"I'm so sorry my love, I was out for a bit. I hope you haven't started Inuyasha without-" he finally looked up as he stopped in front of me.

His red eyes widened greatly as his jaw dropped.



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