The others to he hurts/you hurt them(Edward and Dipshit oh i mean jAcOb)

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"Jacob she doesn't love you!" I screamed as I threw the book I was currently reading at his head. He simply dodged my hit and rolled his eyes.

"She doesn't know Y/n-"
"YOU'RE my imprint Jacob, not her's! You shouldn't even care if she loves you," I growled out and he tensed up.

Yup, Jacob Black was my imprint. We met during the newborn army thing when he was in Seattle.

"Hey, don't look now, but some seriously hot guys just walked in." I glanced up from my book, Romeo and Juliet, and looked in the direction her gray eyes were.

They were huge. Like they seriously were body builders, but they were hot as hell. I closed my book and continued to look at the beautiful boys in front of me.
Clary rolled her eyes and slightly pushed me, "didn't I say don't look! They'll definitely know we're looking!" She nodded and I simply giggled.

I turned back to only lock eyes with the tallest one. His widened and I felt an electric shock, it was like it was meant to be.

*End of Flashback*

"Don't you think I know that! God it was the worse day of my life, constantly having to deal with your clingy, possessive way!" He spotted out and I froze all together. Jacob's body was shaking as he huffed out but I could see in his eyes that he regretted it.

I nodded, grabbed my keys, phone, and books. I walked over to the door as he arm slowly reached it for me. I grabbed the handle but didn't open the door.

"You know Jacob, I'm sorry that you couldn't imprint on Bella. But I finally know your pain, constantly pinning after someone who doesn't want you." And I opened the door and left into the night. Going to the only place I knew I'll be appreciated.
I got into my car and pulled out my phone and quickly dialed the number.

"Hello, Y/n?"
"Hi Edward, I need your help"
"Anything for my little sister."

"Make him Pay Eddy." The line went silent as an evil smile crossed my face.
Oh if only Jacob knew the hell to come.

Edward Pt.2:

It's been one week Since I left the Cullen's house in tears and heartbroken

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It's been one week Since I left the Cullen's house in tears and heartbroken. Edward has been calling and texting me none stop, but I simply didn't have the heart to answer him.
I had hurt him deeply I could tell. I had exposed one of his worst insecurities; the fact that he couldn't give me what another human could give me.
But I was also hurt too, I had spent all this time. Imagining how a child between me and him would look.
Would he or she has his old brilliant green eyes? Or maybe his perfect auburn hair? Maybe, just maybe, our kid would have picked up his musically ways in which I couldn't.

My phone vibrated again and my eyes watered once again.

My phone vibrated again and my eyes watered once again

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He truly did love me, and he loved me so much that he was willing to let me go

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He truly did love me, and he loved me so much that he was willing to let me go. I quickly got out of my bed and ran down stairs and grabbed my purse.

"Where are you going?" My mom asked from the living room and I walked in.

"To make things right mom," she smiled softly and nodded me away. Proud of my decision. I ran out to my car, a 2018 black Range Rover. Before I could even pull out I opened my phone and went to Edward's contact in my messages.

I smiled down at his profile picture that I took of him. We were hanging out one day and I had finally done the impossible, I had surprised THE Edward Cullen and was able to get the picture.

I quickly texted him and didn't have to wait but a couple of seconds for a response.

I quickly texted him and didn't have to wait but a couple of seconds for a response

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I had asked him to meet me at the old diner, because it was familiar. I pulled up and parked right next to his waiting Volvo which he leaned against in all his glory. His eyes were pitched black and his hair was flat. He wore a light blue shirt with dark jeans and a dark jacket.

I stopped my car and he quickly ran over using his speed to open the door. We both just stared at each other until I climbed out of the car. Before I knew it he had pulled me into his toned chest.

His arm wrapped tightly around my waist as the other cradled my head. His nose was in my hair as he just hugged me and I hugged back. I had missed his scent definitely, his coldness was like a jolt of electricity going through my body.

I pulled away to meet his saddened expression.

"Edward, I am so so sorry. I can't believe how selfish I was being, please say you'll forgive me." I pleaded and he looked down. He grabbed my hand lightly and began to speak.

"No, I shouldn't have just assumed you'll be fine with this. You shouldn't be with me, but with someone who can give you children." I shook my head harshly and snatched my hands away.

"God dammit! Edward Anthony Masen Jr. I want to be with you and only you! I was being a selfish bitch who couldn't see what was in front of her! You're all I need Eddy and all I'll ever need." I yelled somewhat and I saw Edward's body hardened as I talked badly about myself.

"Y/n. I promise you, I will try to make your dreams of being a mother come true. I've waited over s hundred years for you. And I'll be damned if I let one minor inconvenience take you away!" I smiled up at him and leaned into him.

Even with my boots he was still a lot taller than me. He bent down just slightly and wrapped his arms around me to lift me up, and I placed my warm lips on his.

We kissed for a long time in the parking lot of the diner. Just enjoying each other's presence after being away from each other for so long. I pulled away gasping for hair and ruffled his hair while laughing.

"Lets promise to never be away from each other this long again Eddy."

"Agreed my love."

Sorry that I only did Edward and jAcOb I literally spent over five hours thinking of what to right -yes I know I'm stupid- but still!!!! So hopefully next time I'll have pt.2 of Seth and Emmett out by at least Monday.


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