Carlisle imagine (pt.2 of series)

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"We shouldn't be doing this Y/n"
"You say that but you can't resist me", I whispered on Carlisle lips as he hands continued to roam my body.
Below us I could hear his father going on and on about our Lord and Savior but I couldn't help but be more interested in the blond in front of me. I pushed him onto a dusty old chest in the attic and climbed onto him lap.
"We must hurry with much haste, your father is almost done".
"Oh Y/n you look so beautiful every Sunday I might just have to take you for myself!" I smiled politely at Mr. Cullen while Carlisle stood beside him with rose tinted cheeks.
"Oh you are too kind, but I don't know how Carlisle would feel about that", his father began to chuckle while Carlisle sent me a glare.

"Will your father be joining the hunt tonight? It'll be Carlisle's 20th one!" My eyes widened and I looked to Carlisle who hung his head in shame.
"W-what? Carlisle is leading the hunts now?" I felt my blood begin to boil as nothing but pure hated filled my body.

"Why yes my dear! I have gotten to old for these demons. It's only right that my son finally put himself to good work...he has finally discovered their pack and will end them tonight!" His father spoke with great excitement as if this was SOMETHING to be proud about.
Carlisle and his father didn't really get along since Carlisle's mother died giving birth to him. Even so, Carlisle looked up to his father and followed his footsteps and would soon take over the church.

"Very well. I'll make sure my father knows. Good day Mr.Cullen", I turned away quickly on my heels and started walking in the direction of the towns square. I heard footsteps coming from behind me.
I felt him before I heard him.

"Y/n! I can explain just will you please-"
"Please what Carlisle? How you have been lying to me about what you do at you risk your life just to please your idiotic father who wished it was you and not your mother?!" His blue eyes turned cold as he released me from his grip.

"I know you don't have to try hard to please your family. You are the only child and a simple minded girl who has to just sit pretty all day so of course I don't expect you to understand!" He hissed out.

I kept a straight face as tears threatened to spill out. "Ok then. I'm sorry for caring about you so much. As of now Mr.Cullen, I will never care again." I pulled off golden engagement ring he had gifted me a couple of weeks ago and threw it into a muddy puddle. I gripped my dress, and turned towards my house.

He didn't chase after me this time.

The next day would prove my promise wrong.
The hunt had gone completely wrong, resulting in Carlisle going missing. Nobody knew I had called off our engagement and treated me as if I was a widow now.

Which, basically I was. Carlisle was the only man I have ever loved and planned to love. Because, let's be honest here, it's the late 1700's in England-he was the best I was ever going to find.

Weeks started to pass, and each day I grew colder and colder. Mr. Cullen has took time off from his church and grew ill. Everyday a different suitor was presented to me, but none of them could come close to my Carlisle.

Rumors had been going all over the town that Carlisle was turned by one of those demons and his soul would be condemned. If the Lord condemned a soul like Carlisle I would lose all my faith towards him.

Carlisle was a pure, gentle, and kind soul (not in the church attic or our weekly tea dates 🤤) who would sacrifice himself for anyone and has done so on multiple occasions.

I just couldn't believe the last time I saw him was on bad terms, maybe I was what distracted him that not and killed him?

I was brushing my hair before bed when my curtains flew open causing the candle to go out. I stood up admittedly to shut the window and light the candle. Because, believe it or not I feared the dark :).

As I got closer I noticed the shadow by the window. I froze in place and felt my heart start to race.

"Please. You don't have to do this. M-y father will be willing to give you a-anything." I tried to reason with a soft smile. But the creature grew closer till the moonlight hit its face. I covered my mouth stopping the scream that was clawing at my throat.

"C-Carlisle, is that really you?"

He smiled at me before he gently cupped my face. His hands were ice cold as they caressed me.
"Yes, love. It is me, I came back to you when I knew I couldn't harm you", his voice felt like silk wrapping around me, pulling me closer into his red eyes.

Wait, red eyes?

I jumped away from him.

"Y-you are a demon now?" He bowed his head in shame but moved closer to me.

"Y-yes and no. I am a vampire but I don't kill humans-only animals." I continued to stare at him and took in his glorious appearance. If I didn't know any better I would of thought he was one of the many angels painted on the ceiling of the church.

I reached a hand out to him cautiously. He stayed still and let me touch him as I pleased. My love has come back to me, and I planned to never let him go.

"And that's basically the story of Carlisle and I!" I cheered as Bella sat in the couch in front of me in amazement.
All the Cullen's had gathered around to listen to my story since Bella never knew.

"Then a century or two later we added my little Eddy to the family," I reached over and pinched Edward's marbled cheek as he tried to push me away.

"Before Carlisle changed me I had a miscarriage and I was going to name the child Edward or Edythe. So when I saw Edward I just knew it was fate and God was giving me a second chance". Edward had stopped fidgeting and gazed at me as if I was his real mother. The door opened and Carlisle walked in, noticing all of us.

"Did I miss something?" I got up and appeared by his side giving him the biggest hug I could.
I reached up to place a kiss on his lips before looking at our growing family.

"Carlisle. I realized I never thanked you for giving me this amazing life. Thank you." He cradled my face before placing a deeper kiss.

"No, thank you for making it worth living"

Ok so this is Carlisle's part!!!! I hope you all like it!!!

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