Requested Imagine!!

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I woke up all alone in a highly decorated room and saw that there was a note next to me on the pillow.

So sorry darling. Out hunting I'll be back soon. Love you.

I rolled my eyes at the note but smiled.

"Aw isn't that just sooo sweet!" I jumped it of the bed and looked towards the window wall and my mouth fell open. The girl was insanely beautiful, she looked Hispanic with dark brown hair, and glowing red orbs for eyes.

Her clothes were a vintage look that fitted her perfectly. She smirked harshly at me, her stare packed with so much venom just like her words. She huffed at me and leaned off of the wall and appeared in front of me.

"Of all the things he could leave me for he leaves me for something like you!" She hissed as she gripped my face.

That accent.
She threw me away from her almost disgusted. I tried to crawl away from her and grab my Rick and Morty shirt to at least cover myself.

I didn't think I was hideous. I mean, I have dark hair and dark eyes, I was a lot taller than Maria, and I wore glasses that Jasper adored.

Maria paced around the room, eyeing me closely like I was prey. I never thought this would be how I died, I mean come on, I expected it would be Bella's fault somehow.

I looked to the door just as the door slammed opened and Jasper raced in. His eyes caught Maria's and a breathtaking smile took up her face.

"Oh mi amor! I have missed you so much!" She exclaimed and Jasper simply growled and moved to stand in front of me.

"Maria. Why are you here," I finally stood up and grasped Jasper's bicep and he glanced at me. His eyes were hard and cold but softened when he saw my face. He reached his hand up to caress my face and noticed the bruising from Maria.

"How dare you touch her!" He yelled and before I knew it he was on top of her, his hands went to her throat and she held his wrist trying to pry him off.

"Jasper. Major! She's worthless, she is just a puny human who stole you from me!," Jasper simply grunted and her red eyes softened, almost like she truly loved him.

"Remember all the fun we had, remember how much I love you, how good I made you feel?" I felt my blood start to boil and couldn't stand to watch this. I grabbed my leggings preparing to leave when Jasper finally spoke.

"Yes. I also remember how you used me for your own dirty deeds!" And he kissed her neck, her eyes rolled back as mine filled with tears. I turned away towards the door when I heard a screeching, like when you run a fork on a chalk board.

I whipped around and saw that Maria was no more.

Her head was missing from her body and a chunk of her neck was in Jasper's mouth. He quickly spit it out and ran to me.

"Did you seriously think I would kiss her? I love you and only you V." I smiled and wiped my tears.

"What me and her had was not love and in the past, what we have is way more." His mouth lifted into a grin and he pulled me into his chest, capturing my lips in a long, needed, kiss.


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