{chapter 16}

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*few days before*
"Why are we you like this?" I screamed at my dad through the phone.

"Your only failing yourself. Now break up with him or I'll cut you off Amelia." My dad argued back at me.

"Fine. You want to be this way. Then so be it." I said coldly to him before hanging up my phone officially over my father. I work hard, and I know how to handle my own at this point.

"You really needed to bring this?" I scolded Phoenix looking through one of his boxes and finding a single red sock with the words ho-ho-ho printed on it over and over again.

"Well no, but I couldn't just throw it away." He argued.

"Well I can." I mumbled while tossing it into a trash bag.

After Phoenix officially apologized to me, we went to eat where he asked this time, if he could officially move in and I agreed. But it wasn't the way we at first thought it to be.

After my argument with my dad, I agreed with myself to move out the apartment he was paying for. I could no longer deal with the power card he was playing. So Phoenix and I quickly searched for an apartment together we could both move into, leaving our old ones behind us.

I mean, I wasn't going to receive money like I used to, but a transaction came through from my mom's account, letting me know she was still here to support me.

The apartment we found was semi close to down town easy for him to get to work and easy for me to get to school. The view was also really nice, being able to see the skyline of Seattle really was a gift.

This was my first time ever having a roommate that wasn't a family member and I couldn't help but be excited for the new milestone I was passing personally and the milestone our relationship was passing.

I was definitely willing to put our previous argument behind us.

"You have so much stuff!" Phoenix complained from the bathroom where he was pulling out my straightener , my curling iron, my curling wand and some type of device that was supposed to give me beach waves.

He was wearing nothing but dark grey sweats and some brown loafer type slippers. His upper half was bare showing off his scattered tattoos and his hair was wild looking like he just woke up from hibernation, which he kinda just did since he opted for a nap earlier instead of unpacking.

"Don't touch it, you'll break it." I growled at him taking it out of his hands and placing it neatly back in the drawer like I had them arranged.

He rolled his eyes at me before picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder making me squeal in surprise.

"Phoenix! We need to unpack." I groaned at him and he of course ignored me.

He carried me over to our bed , and dropped me causing me bounce a few times.

He lowered himself next to me and laid on his side facing me.

"This is our little home" he smiled at me.

"Our little home." I repeated trying to make it seem like it was real.

"Want to talk about your argument with your dad?" He asked quietly while playing with one of my waves.

"No." I replied coldly, getting highly upset even at the mention of him. "I have an interview at the pizza place downtown." I said trying to change the subject.

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