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e m i l y

When we arrived at the beach, we parked next to Shawn and Cameron, who had beaten us there.

I looked at shawn who now had black sunglasses on. ok he's really hot.

Shawn pulled 4 towels out of his car and handed everybody one.

"Where can we change?" Jaymi asked.

Cameron pointed to a little building.
"There are bathrooms in there I think."

"Okay, we'll be right back." I said.

Jaymi and I walked to the small restaurant and asked where the bathrooms were.

A lady who worked there showed us to the bathroom and we both went into a stall.

"Praying to god this will fit me." I said taking the bikini out of the bag.

I stripped out of my clothes and put it on.

When i walked out of the stall, Jaymi was standing in front of a mirror.

She turned around to me.
"You look great." She said smiling.

I looked in the mirror and decided to stop because I didn't want to see the way I looked.

We walked out together and saw shawn and cameron sitting on a bench.

I saw shawn stand up and bro hug some random guy.

"Cody!" He yells happily and they talk a little, but I can't quite hear it.

As we get closer to them I see Cody look at me.

"Hot thots coming our way." He laughed as he said it.

Shawn turned around and looked at me. I covered up my stomach not wanting him to see.

When we reached them, I noticed that both shawn and cameron had their bathing suits on.

"Oh Cody, this is Emily, and that's Jaymj. Emily and Jaymi, this is Cody." Shawn introduced us.

I smiled at him and saw jaymi picking up her tshirt to put on over her bikini.

"Damnit I forgot a shirt." I said looking at her.

Cameron laughed.
"Who needs shirts?" He asked.

"Me." I said crossing my arms over my torso to cover my stomach.

"You could probably buy one in any of these stores." Jaymi said.

I felt shawn reach for my hands and take them away from my stomach.

"You don't need one. You look great." He said looking down at me because of how close we were.

I never know what to do in moments like these. I always say something stupid and make a fool of myself then later think of things I should've said.

So in this moment, I stayed silent looking up into his brown eyes.

" the blue brings out your eyes." He said.

God shawn these compliments are killing me here!!

"And her boobs." Cody said to cameron, but we all heard.

Cameron, Jaymi, and Cody all began laughing at the fact that everyone heard what Cody had said, but I just stood there, not amused.

"Okay." Shawn said taking off his shirt and handing it to me.

I laughed taking it from him but stopped once I saw his torso.

Holy Mother of Jesus.

He had a perfectly tanned body, a six pack, and biceps probably bigger than my head.

Bucketlist (A Shawn Mendes Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now