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I sat in my best friend, Jaymi's, room and watched as she did her makeup.

"So how was your little date yesterday?" She asked and winked at me.

"Wasn't a date, but it was great. He showed me this beautiful lake and we watched the sunset and just talked for hours. Now that I'm saying it it sounds completely stupid and cheesy, but it really wasn't. Just a lot of fun." I said with a small smile creeping onto my face.

She smiled and looked at me. "You like him." She stated.

"How would you know?" I said a little bit annoyed.

"You can see it all over your face, em."

I didn't answer her and looked down at my phone.

"What's his name again?" She asked.

"Shawn." I answered looking up at her.

"So you guys would be Shemily?" She smiled.

I laughed at her words and shook my head.

"I guess we would be. If we were dating. Which we are not." I said.

"Whatever you sayy." She sang and i laughed.

My phone binged and I looked down at it.

"Who was that?" She asked.

"Shawn." I answered looking down at it.

She literally jumped out of her chair that was in front of her vanity and onto her bed next to me.

"What'd he say?" She asked excitedly.

"He wants me to go to his house and help him paint his room." I said smiling.

She laughed."That's a little weird but hey you do you."

"Should I go?" I asked and she looked at me like I was crazy.

"Of course you should go!" She exclaimed, "This is the third day in a row he's made an effort to hang out with you. He's so into you."

I rolled my eyes and told him that I'd be there soon.

"You gotta go." She said seriously.

I stood up and hugged her.

"What would I do without you?" I said and she laughed.

I walked out of her room and into my car.

I drove right to shawn's house and when I got there Shawn opened the door.

"Hey." He smiled looking at me.

"Hey." I said back.

"OH, uh, come in." Shawn said and I laughed walking into his house.

"Are you fine with getting paint on those clothes?" He asked and I looked down at my nice shirt from Pacsun.

"Oh I totally forgot to stop home and get a t shirt." I said embarrassed.

"It's fine, my little sister probably has a t shirt you can borrow." He said and i nodded.

I followed him up the stairs as we went looking for his sister's room.

"How old is she?" I asked as we walked up the stairs.

"12." He answered back.

How am I going to fit my large body into a 12 year old's shirt.

"Do you think it'll fit?" I asked.

"Yes. You guys are about the same size. You're just a bit taller." He said and we walked to her door.

Bucketlist (A Shawn Mendes Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now