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"la da dee la da da do la da da me la da da you." Shawn sang as he opened the door to his black jeep and stepped out of it.

I also got out of the car and walked around to him. he grabbed my hand and we walked towards the fair. our hands swung back and forth and I looked at the tall rides lighting up in the darkness. it was 8 o'clock and I felt pretty excited.

"I love lights." I said excitedly, "I love them."

Shawn laughed and squeezed my hand, "I know you do."

when we arrived at the ticket booth we both bought wrist bands and then entered the fair.

"what first?" I asked looking around.

"those things." Shawn said pointing to the spinning barrels.

we walked over to it and got on.

"WHO'S READY TO RUMBLE???" Shawn yelled so loudly that anyone in a 6738 mile radius could hear.

I laughed loudly then covered my mouth. "Shawn!!"

"yes?" he said purposely sounding clueless.

I rolled my eyes and he put his arm around me. he squeezed me and then kissed my cheek.

"You're a cool girl, you know that?" he said.

"so I've been told." I smiled and he pushed me then returned his arm around me.

the ride started and next thing you know we're spinning in circles and shawn is sarcastically screaming (louder than ever) about how scary this ride is.

I couldn't stop laughing the entire time even though my head was repeatedly banging against the back of the metal barrel.

after that ride, the claw thingy, and the swings, we got in line for the ferris wheel.

I looked up at the top of it.

oh dear lord.

I guess shawn noticed because he looked at me with gentle eyes and squeezed my hand. I smiled and we got in our little cart thingy. Shawn sat down first and I sat down close to him. As it started going up, Shawn scooted over and leaned over the edge.

"what're you doing?!" I said tugging at his sleeve hoping he would come back. I felt like we were about to fall off this thing.

he looked back at me, then returned to what he was doing. "I'm looking down at the fair." he said casually.

I sat silently closing my eyes, hoping to forget where I was. I've never liked Ferris wheels and I never will.

"are you okay?" Shawn asked placing his hand on my knee.

I opened my eyes quickly. "what? oh-yeah I'm fine."

Shawn put his arm around me again, but this time tighter. "I got you, ok? nothing is gonna happen."

4 and a half seconds later the ride stops and guess who's stuck at the top. they were letting the people on the bottom off and LET ME TELL YOU those were the slowest moving people I've ever witnessed. I look over at Shawn and he's already looking at me. we look at each other for a second before he leans in and places his lips on mine. Every time we kiss is just as amazing at the first time. I always thought kissing was just something that couples did. the last time I kissed someone was last year in spin the bottle. now it's like i get butterflies when he's lips come even relatively close to mine.

Bucketlist (A Shawn Mendes Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now