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e m i l y

we walked inside the party and js, it was lit. there were strobe lights and everyone was dancing crazily, which was kinda weird. I've never been to a high school party like this before. this seems like a club.

"wow." I said looking around.

"yeah, these people go big or go home." gilinsky said and looked at the bar.

"I'm gonna go over there." he said and walked away.

"don't get too crazy." Johnson said patting my back.

he started walking away but stopped and turned around. "we're getting an uber, don't hold back."

I rolled my eyes laughing and watched him walk away. and then there was one.

I looked around wondering where I should go. I was kind of scared. I've never been to a party that my friends didn't stay with me at. and if my friends left I knew other people to talk to.

I walked to the bar and sat down.

I sat there bored as hell for a while before ordering anything.

"can I just have a lemonade." I said.

"with or without vodka." the bartender man said smiling.

I looked around at all the random people.
"with." I said and his eyes widened.
he was kidding but I wasn't.

"alright." he said handing the lemonade to me, "one lemonade with a shot of vodka."

"thank you." I said taking a sip.

"so why're you alone?" he asked.

I looked at him. he was tall and cute with a little bit of stubble. probably not a murderer. definitely too old for me. ok I'll talk to him.

"well my boyfriend left for tou..," I stopped myself, "vacation today and two of his friends wanted to take me out but I don't have the slightest clue where they are and I don't know anyone else here."

"well, I'm mark." he said with a soft smile.

don't worry kids there was no flirtatiousness about this.

"I'm emily." I said and he nodded.

I finished the lemonade and he gave me a new one. that happened about 7 more times and by then I was drunk as hell.

"I gotta pee." I said.

"it's right around the corner. do you need any help getting there?" mark asked me.

"nah, I got it." I said falling off the bar stool a little bit in the process of trying to stand up.

"alright," he said helping me up, "mario take the bar."

he helped me to the bathroom and held open the girls bathroom door.

"go ahead."

"thanks." I said walking in the bathroom.

when I was done peeing, I did my best to wash my hands then came out of the bathroom.

"thanks, josh." I said patting marks chest.

"mark." he laughed.

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