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e m i l y

"Hey." I said as I walked into Jaymi's room.

She looked up at me, "emily."

I smiled, "How've you been?"

"Uh, I've been alright." She said, "come in."

She patted the bed next to her and I sat down there.

"Sorry about getting mad at you for the whole shawn thing." She said, "It's just that, once I saw how he is with you, I couldn't stand to hear you say you were gonna end it."

"No, I was being stupid. You were right." I answered.

"I was right?" She asked and winked at me.

"We're dating." I said and she gasped.

"Emilyyyyy!" She squealed bouncing on the bed.

"I told him, and he said he wants to be with me for all of it." I explained and she smiled even bigger.

"That's so adorable."

I talked with Jaymi for a while longer until I left to go to shawn's house.


"What'd you mean you've never had ramen noodles?" Shawn said laying on his back on the floor of his bedroom. He was throwing a ball up in the air and catching it repeatedly.

"I just have never eaten them." I shrugged looking at my laptop as I sat at his desk, "we really should be doing our project you know."
"What the fuck have you eaten for the past 16 years of your life?" He asked sitting up and completely ignoring my comment about our project which I was fine with to be honest.

"I've also never been to disney, or any kind of big amusement for that matter." I say scrolling through some random history website trying to find facts on the American Revolution.

"Why not?" He asked.

"I don't know. It just never happened" I said.

"Well don't you ever wanna do these things? I mean, don't you ever think about the things you've never tried? So many people put off those things you know? Like, 'oh I wanna sky dive someday' but then they end up never getting around to it. And it's too late to do it now because their times up." He says.

"Yeah. I guess I've never actually thought to make the plans to go sky diving." I laughed,

"You dont have to. I'll bring you to Disney world so we can eat ramen noodles and go sky diving." He said.

"Shawn, I was kidding," I said turning the chair around so I was facing him on the ground.

"I'm not." He said seriously, "I wanna be able to do these things with you. We don't have forever."

I just stared at him trying to understand what he was talking about.

"Alright you know how soccer works right?" He asked.

"Yes shawn I know how soccer works." I laughed.

"Okay think of it this way. Life is like a soccer game." He started but I cut him off by saying "Oh no."

He laughed when I cut his motivational speech off.

"We can't even go skydiving until we're 18." I told him.

"We'll find a way," he said standing up from the ground.

I looked up at him from my chair.

"C'mon." He said putting his hand out for me.

I took his hand and stood up. "Are we going skydiving?" I asked sarcastically.

"No." He laughed, "were going to get some ramen."

I laughed following him down stairs and into his kitchen.

He bent down into his pantry and pulled out a square orange package then hid it behind his back.

"What I'm about to show you is serious, okay?" Shawn said staring into my eyes.

"Okay." I said.

He pulled the package out in front of us.
"These noodles will change your life for the better."

I laughed hitting his arm. "Shut up."

"Alright." He said taking out a pan and filling it with water. "This is how you make them." He placed the pan on the stove and turned it on. Then, he opening the packet and took out a small bag, "This is the flavoring." He said, "then pour the noodles in the pan." He said, doing just that.

"Now we wait." He said turning to me, putting his hands on my hips, and pulling me close to him.

I kissed him gently then smiled into his eyes.

"You have cool eyes." He said bluntly.

I smiled, "you do too."

We waited around for a good 4 minutes until they starting bubbling over.

"Chef shawn to the rescue." Shawn announced quickly taking them off the stove and pouring them into a boul.

He poured in the flavoring and mixed it together, then plopped in a couple ice cubes because, according to shawn,"the soup's hotness plus my hotness equals global warming"

After it cooled off, shawn slowly placed the bowl in front of me.

I picked up the fork and ate some of it.

"Its good." I said eating more of it.

"It's good? That's all I get?" Shawn joked.

"It's great." I smiled up at shawn.

He leaned down and kissed my quickly.
"Well now you've had ramen."

"Yup, now I can cross that off my bucketlist."

Shawn looked at me like I had just discovered the cure for cancer.

"Bucketlist." He muttered under his breath, "That's it, that's what we need."

"What?" I said, not being able to hear him clearly.

He grabbed my hand and dragged me upstairs. (Not literally)

He got a piece of paper from his desk and sat down on the floor.

I stood in his room not knowing what was happening.

He looked up at me. "pop squat." He said patting the ground next to him.

I laughed sitting down next to him.

"What're you doing?" I asked.

"We need a bucketlist." He said plainly.

"A real one?" I asked.

"No a fake one." Shawn said sarcastically.

"Alright alright." I smiled, "what would we put on it?"

Together, we brainstormed a ton of things we want to do together before, you know, we kick the bucket.


lol these chapters suck I swear I only am publishing this book because I love the ending so much

Bucketlist (A Shawn Mendes Fanfic)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu