twenty one actual pilots

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e m i l y

I walked outside and into my car.
I sat in my car and looked out the window.

what should I do now?

I decided to just start driving bc what else can you do and ended up at jaymi'S house. I walked right inside, because that's what I always do and up to her room.

"hey jay-" i said and stopped when I saw her kissing cameron.

Cameron jumped up and they both looked at me awkwardly. i started laughing hysterically.

"hey em what's up?" jaymi said trying to act casual.

I laughed again.
"I think we all know I saw what just happened."

cameron laughed to himself looking down.

"jaymi, I'll call you later okay?" Cameron said standing up.

"okay." jaymi said and cameron left.

I looked at jaymi, "I knew you like him." I screamed and she shushed me.

"shut up he can probably hear you. " she smiled.

"You'd think he would know you like him by now. I mean you were just making out." I said and she rolled her eyes and started laughing.

"we were just hanging out, and we both started being all flirtatious, and then we were sitting here and I guess our faces were pretty close and then he just kissed me." she said smiling.

"well that was one first kiss." I laughed.

"shut up," she laughed, "when you had your first kiss with Shawn you made out with him in the ocean for like 4 months."

I laughed, "4 months?"

"4 and a half." she said to me.

"not true." I said.

"so true." she said.

"at most 3 and a half months." I said and she laughed.

"that works too." she laughed.

"speaking of shawn," she continued, "how's he doing?"

"good," I said, "he's in madrid right now."

"woah, really?" she asked excitedly.

"yeah." I answered.

"how are you doing?" she asked me

"what do you mean?" I asked.

"I mean your boyfriends in europe, how are you doing?" she said.

"I'm so happy for him, I just miss him a lot. and I feel bad saying I wish he would come home because he's out living his dream, but I miss him. I don't know. it just seems selfish. i mean I'd never want him to leave the tour for me, I just wish it was over already you know?" I said.

"it makes sense to say you want him to come home, em. he's your boyfriend and he's in a different continent. you just miss him that's all."

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