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e m i l y

a month later

shawn took in a deep breath. "where will you be?" he asked.

"I'll be standing by the end of the catwalk. I'll stay where you can see me. if you get scared just look me in the eyes. " I said and he nodded.

"I'm excited." I said and he smiled,

"me too."

"Shawn, 30 seconds." the man in black said.

shawn looked at me and cupped his hands on my cheeks.

"wish me luck." he said and kissed me strongly.

"good luck." I said as he walked away.

before going on stage he whispered something to the man. if only I knew what it was at that time.

I walked out from the backstage area and made my way into the crowd.

"WHATS UP GUYs?" Shawn yelled and the crowd cheered.


I walked to where I told shawn I would be. I saw him look right at me before singing.

"so I'm gonna start of with a song of mine called life of the party." he said.

the crowd screamed and girls around me cried.

"are you alright?" I asked a girl with dark hair next to me. she was balling.

"yeah, it's just, he's grown so much since this song came out and, I just, I don't.." she stuttered and I looked at her for a second.

"have you ever met him?" I asked her.

"no." she said sadly, "I wish I could before he gets before even more famous."

"I can help you meet him after the show." I said without even thinking.

"you mean like go find him?" she asked.

"yeah I'm sure I can find him." I laughed to myself.

"I'm Juliana." she said, "you can call me Jules tho."

"okay, Jules. what'd you say? let's go find shawn after the show?" I asked.

"alright." she said wiping her tears. "what's your number?" I gave her my number and we returned to watching Shawn.

"so baby be the life of the party." shawn sang the last words of the song.

next he did show you, and then said he was gonna do something a little different.

"if you follow me on Twitter, you'd know that I've been working on my album. these last two months have been nonstop writing, because I've been so god damn inspired." I smiled to myself as he said that last part.

"so today," he continued, "I'm gonna be singing a few of my new, unheard, songs."

I smiled, considering he would never let me listen to his new songs.

"this songs about this girl that I saw around a lot, but I never actually knew her name. and I never could work up the courage to talk to her. so, naturally, I wrote a song about it."

Bucketlist (A Shawn Mendes Fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora