4| The First Round

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Okay, let's see.. I actually thought they start Ninja School at 8 years old, but it seems they start at 5...

(But wait, if Kakashi graduated at 5, does that mean he started at 4? Hm. Meh. Let's just pretend they start at 8. Because we're pretending that the Uchiha Massacre already happened, uhhh, all for the plot. I'm sorry.)

Discovered after making this chapter. Phew.

Anyways bear with the crappy story... Loveya!

The Goddess of Fangirling,

"Good Morning, class." Yato-sensei announced. "Nervous? One, two, three, four... A lot of you are pretty nervous."

"Relax. I carefully arranged your first matches. All based on your exam results and of course, your capabilities and expectations."

"Expectations?" A student asked.

"Yes, the Third helped me with this with his expectations from each and every one of you. So, shall we start?"

"Okay, all of you, form a straight line here."

"If I call your names, please group by two people."

"Rule is, you can hurt or injure your opponent, but never kill them. You can use any technique you want. Consequences await for breaking this rule. That's all, thank you."

"First match, Kiba and Jem."

In the first match, Kiba won. He's actually strong, especially with that pet of his by his side.

"Second match, Reya and Chira."

"Ehhhh, I'm gonna fight you... Reya-chan?"

"No hard feelings, Chira-chan."

Now this is what I'm talking about. :3

Second match, Reya won. She's more competitive, and Chira can't even hurt her. She took advantage of that and fought.

"Third match, Sakura and Ino."

"Ohh? Sakura, you're still a bud. And I'm a beautiful cosmos." Ino bragged.

Third match, well, it was actually pretty burning. I... I can't explain... It was so intense. Bleh. But what's important is that Ino won. She distracted Sakura by telling her that she's a forehead girl. Stunned, she took advantage and attacked. Tch, girls...

"Fourth match, Naruto and Shikamaru."

"Alriiiiiight!" Naruto exclaimed as he pointed his finger on Shikamaru. "I'm gonna prove to you the powers of a Hokage!!!!!"

Fourth match, umm... It was nonsensely explosive. Shikamaru, as I see him, has brain, but lacks brawn. And as for Naruto, he has a whole lot of brawn, but obviously lacks brain. But in the end, Shikamaru pretended to grow weak and lured Naruto into a trap, which he set moments after their match started. He won. Yeah.

"Fifth match," Yato-sensei continued. "Choji and Melody."

"Chips..." Choji murmured.

Fifth match, Melody won. She set up an illusionary technique, which was pretty great because she just started out in Ninja School. But what made her win is the illusion itself. It was.... Well, chips and a whole lot of food. When her opponent dived in, she punched him right in the face.

"Sixth match, Hinata and Shino. "

"S-shino-san... G-gomen nasai..." Hinata stumbled in her words.

"What are you apologizing for?" Shino asked.

Hinata looked surprised.
"A-ano... It's nothing..."

In the sixth match, Shino immediately released bugs, which freaked Hinata out. Seeing as she is a member of the Hyuuga clan that uses Byakugan, she tried to fight the bugs away. But it seems she lacked experience. Shino won.

"Seventh match, Luna and Nayto."

"Nani?" Nayto reacted. "Sensei, why a girl?"

Luna raised an eyebrow.

"I'm fighting a girl!!" Nayto exclaimed. "Am I that weak?"

"Oi." Luna managed to say in a calm voice.


"Don't underestimate me, you baka weakling."

What surprised me the most is the seventh match.

The match between Luna and Nayto.

It was all so fast. Luna stared at Nayto for a while, and murmured some words, before putting her hand in front of her. She took a fast inhale, and when she exhaled...

Strong wind dashed towards her opponent. Nayto can't seem to move. It must've had a binding effect. Three seconds and her opponent said "I give up... Sensei, I give up." and sat loosely on the floor, panting.

It all happened for seven seconds. Am I sure I can beat her...?

So this is the power of a goddess... A member of the Kanata clan.

"And finally," Sensei ended, "Eighth match, Sasuke and Tero."

Next up was my match.

I obviously won -.- Tero can't do much yet. I used taijutsu since I'm still working on my ninjutsu and genjutsu. I have some in store, but meh.

So next up was the matches for us five.

"Alright, qualifiers for the second round," Yato-sensei announced after all the fights. "Kiba, Reya, Ino, Shino, Shikamaru, Melody, Luna, and Sasuke."

"Here are your groupings."

"First match, Kiba and Shino."

"Second match, Shikamaru and Reya."

"Third match, Sasuke and Melody."

"Fourth match, Luna and Ino. Same rules apply. Now, go! Double time."

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