28| Second-Year Clearance: Part 3

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“Riko is dead.”

The breeze blew gently as Luna stood still, not saying a single word.

"Y-you're...lying," she finally managed to say. "This is a joke, right? Congratulations, I actually fell for it..."

Akai sighed, knowing that this will be hard for Luna to accept, but he needs to tell her. "And according to the law, Princess Riko Kanata is dead, and seeing as..."

"L-look, you can... cut the joke now... Akai, it isn't funny..." Luna said, tears forming up in her eyes.

"I know it's hard to accept, but, Luna-hime, Riko has--"

"NO!" Luna exclaimed, her eyes filled with rage. She was having anger, sadness and doubt mixed in her heart.

"Luna-hime! Your... Y-your eyes!" Akai said, surprised.

Lunq unconsciously didn't hear what he said. "You're saying she died?" Luna laughed. "SHE DIED? No way, she couldn't, and who in this hell could kill he--"

"Luna-hime, stop your Zen right now!" Akai interrupted for good. "THAT'S A STAGE FOUR, PRINCESS!"

Luna's eyes widen as she stopped, her Chakra draining from her and she suddenly felt weak. She looked at her hands. "Stage... Four?"

"Your eyes, they already gained the blue shadow."

Luna brought her hands to her eyes, feeling it in disbelief. "No way..."

"Calm down, Luna-hime. I don't have much time to talk to you." Akai stated.

Luna sighed, deciding to listen.

"So," Akai continued like nothing happened, though it is very painful for him, "Your sistr, Tsuki-sama-- as the eldest young lady of your family as the daughter of the Sun deity, should be the next heir..."

"Right." Luna agreed. "So we need to find he--"

Akai shook his head. "But seeing as she defected from our clan, Luna, you instead will be the next--"

"What did you say?"

"I said, basically, you will be the heir to the clan."

"No. What do you mean, my sister defected from the clan? Sure, she left, but defected?"

"Didn't you know? The war began becaus---"

Akai was interrupted by his very own voice, screaming in pain. "...Akai?" Luna said, shocked, staring at Akai as a figure dressed in a pure black coat appeared from the void and drained all of Akai, more like sucking him into time-space, but one thing was clear; he was dead.

"AKAI!" Luna cried.

"Damn you!" She angrily said, doing hand signs with killing intent to the figure. She doesn't know who or what that cursed murderer is, but she was sure for herself that it's attacking her own comrade. "Answer me! What did you do to Akai?"

"You're really weak." was all the figure said as it disappeared into thin air.

"...Curse you." Luna said, cancelling her jutsu.

She turned her head down, her hair smoothly falling on her face together with her tears as they streamed down her cheeks. "Riko... I'm... I'm sorry."

"Found you." Sasuke mumbled as he hid behind a bush.

He quickly jumped towards her, his hand ready to tag.

"The written exam says hi to you, Lunaaaaa!"

"Yeah?" Luna dodged even though Sasuke attacked from behind. She faced him.

"Counter!" Sasuke tagged her by the arm.

"Well now, written exams sure are troublesome." Luna said, walking away. "See you."


"I don't have money, go buy food yourself."

"No, Luna, what's wrong?"

Luna stopped and turned to Sasuke, flashing a big smile. "NOTHIIIIIIIIIING! So how'd ya like my pretty little dramatic act?"

"You're a million times better than that." Sasuke replied.

"Oh well." Luna laughed.

"Something's wrong with you." Sasuke raised an eyebrow.

"Everything's wrong with me." Luna smiled.

"Your eyes." Sasuke plainly said.

"My eyes?!" Luna thought. "No... I'm not using Zen. They shouldn't have the shade of blue..."

"My eyes? Are they blue or something?"

"They're red."

"Sasuke, I'm not an Uchiha."

"No, I don't mean the Sharingan." Sasuke sarcastically said.

He narrowed his eyes. "You cried, didn't you?"

"Well, yeah." Luna grinned, accepting the fact that she can't deny it either way. "Aaaand you really have to go back to the Academy. I'll see you." She said as she walked out.


"That voice... is it her? It has to be her."

Omg omg omg what I was like... umm... five days late?! Ughhh sorry guys. School just started and we just had to take the effin' pre test! I swear I'll CURSE BLOODY MATH TO HELL. Anyways, thanks for reading guys! Loveya!

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