26| Second-year Clearance

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Hora! Long time no update, huh?

That's it! I'll update a chapter every Friday. It's decided. HAHAHAHA

Enjoy the story! =)


"Alright!" Iruka-sensei announced. "You have finally finished yet another year of ninja school! To move to your next step, here's our clearance."

"We'll play Hide and Seek!"

"Huh? Hide and Seek?" There were whispers from across the room.

"Yes, hide and seek," Iruka-sensei said. "But let's twist the rules."

"For instance, no one will be "it"!" Iruka-sensei announced as the class walked outside.

"Ehh? Then how is it Hide and Seek with no it?"

"You will scatter all around this area. You have mastered Central Konoha, right?"


"Then, the boundaries are Gennie's meat, Kung Fu shop, Luck Lucky Charms, and Babysitting." Iruka-sensei said. "Go beyond those and you're out."

"Ehh, that's a small area," Ino said.

"Well, you're still in the academy," Iruka-sensei laughed.

"How will you know if we went out of the limits?" Jem asked.

"There will be patrolling Chuunins in the area."

"Sugoi, Chuunins!" Nayto exclaimed.

"Moving on, you will not only play Hide and Seek, but also a game of Tag."


"Hide and Seek, you hide from others, and Tag, you tag others."


"Now that's interesting!"

"We will not have any fights." Sensei said. "The first one who can tag someone will be the winner and the tagged one will be out."

"And how will you determine if we pass?" Luna asked.

"Once you tagged one person already, you pass."


"Then only eight can pass, in the minimum." Melody said. "What if we tag two or more?"

"You won't," Sensei said. "You can only tag one. After that, do a tiger seal and go back to the academy."


"Then, what happens to the other eight who are tagged?"

"Written exam." Iruka-sensei grinned.


"Hell, hell...."

"Anything but paper..."

"Okay, minna!" Iruka-sensei said. "Group into four, then go separate directions. After that, separate individually and go separate directions again. Hide and Tag!"



"We're here girls, let's split up. No one here tag the other, okaaay?" Melody chimed.

"Of course!" Hinata cheered.

"I'm going for Reya. Who are you planning to tag, Luna?" Chira asked.

"Sasuke," Luna grinned. "I'd like to see him take the written exam."

"THAT'S A NICE THING TO SEE!!!!" The group laughed.

"I'm off for Shika." Melody said.


"W-what?" Melody tilted her head.




"Noooooo!!" Melody shouted.

"Awwwwww." The three girls said. "Tsun tsun~"

"Whatever." Melody replied. "How bout you, Hinata? Going for Naruto?"

"N-no, I don't want him to take the written exams, it's too hard for him."

"Everything is too hard for him." The group said in an obvious monotone voice.

"W-well, this is a game of tag..." Hinata said.

"He'll get tagged."

"He'll surely get tagged."

"He doesn't know how to dodge."

"Okay, minna!" Luna concluded. "We're off!"

"We should see each other later, kay?"

"Of course!"

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