14| Yet Another Letter

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[Narrative POV]

After the Sushi thing

"So?" Sasuke asked.

"So what?" Luna replied, raising an eyebrow.

"What are you doing next?"

"Uhh, eat."

"Eat? Again??"

"No actually, I'm full, and I don't wanna be fat, so.... Train."

"Train." Sasuke asked, this time also raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, something wrong with that?"

"Meh. I'm gonna train too."

"Oh, actually, you don't know my training area yet. HEH!" Luna rejoiced as she did a little happy dance.

"So let's train together." Sasuke said.

"W-what. No." Luna plainly replied.

"Why not?"

"Cuz you already know my address. No way I'll let you know my training area."







"Pleaseeee? Luna?"

"No. No. No."


I smirked.

"See you tomorrow then." Sasuke said, waving his hands as he walked straight to the direction of the Uchiha compound.

At Luna's training area

"Come out." Luna announced though it seems she was the only one there.

"You sensed my presence, young master."  A redhead man appeared from the bushes.

"You again." Luna said. "Akai, right?"

"At your service." Akai bowed.

"Now, now," Luna sweatdropped while smiling awkwardly. "No need to be that respectful."

"Orders from young master Riko is to respect you, Luna-sama."

"Well, if it's orders from Riko-hime..." Luna said sarcastically. "Alright, spill. What does she want again?"

"She asked me to give you yet another letter, young master."

"Hm." Luna said, taking the scroll. "Thanks. See you around."

"Goodbye." Akai said, disappearing into thin air.

Luna read the letter.


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