5| The Second Round

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"Alright, qualifiers for the second round," Yato-sensei announced after all the fights. "Kiba, Reya, Ino, Shino, Shikamaru, Melody, Luna, and Sasuke."

First match
Kiba vs Shino

"Alriiiiight, let's do this, Akamaru!" Kiba said as Akamaru barked in response.

Shino just adjusted his eyeglasses. Silent type.

"Bark! Bark!" Akamaru charged towards Shino. Shino released bugs on Akamaru, the bug that is very familiar to Kiba and his whole clan.

"TICKS!" Kiba cried. "How dare you!"

Shino just adjusted his glasses again, and the second his vision was blocked Kiba charged, "Physical Super Punch!"

Shino released bugs to counter the punch, but I guess he isn't that experienced yet in taijutsu because the moment he realized that Kiba's punch went through, he wasn't able to dodge and was knocked down.

"Akamaru! Akamaru!" Kiba cried. "Sensei, may we--"

"Sure." Sensei smiled. "Take good care of Akamaru."

"Just hang in there, Akamaru! We'll get those ticks out of your precious white fur!"

Winner, first match, Kiba.

Second match
Shikamaru vs Reya

"Senseei," Shikamaru said. "I'm too lazy for this."

"You need to fight or you'll get a zero in your first quiz."

"NANI NANI??" Shouted my classmates from behind. "You mean this is our first quiz?"

Yato-sensei grinned. "Yes."

"Now, continue the fight."

"Hiyaaa!" Reya proceeded to kick Shikamaru right in the face, but he dodged right away. Reya then quickly switched to her fist as she punches Shikamaru, but again, he dodges. Looks like this Reya is good on taijutsu. But Shikamaru isn't even tensed up. And because he's calm, he can dodge perfectly.

"H-how come my attacks... How can you dodge it?"

"So what are you saying, I can't dodge?"

"You can, but not with my attacks..." Reya said. "I've beaten a couple of kids with these!"

"Well, I'm different," Shikamaru said as he pulled a strange white thing from above.

"W-what is th--"

Reya followed the path of the string... It went all the way up in the ceiling, and when she realized where the end of the string was...

"Giyaaaa!!" Reya screamed, being caught in a net trap.


"Don't. Underestimate. Me!" Reya said as she took out a shuriken and proceeded to slice the net. But when she was about to fully slice it, she realized how high the net already was. "Shoot," she thought. "It'll hurt if I fell from here."

But it was already too late. The shuriken cut through, and she fell. But Reya was tough. "It huuurts, but I'm okay..."

"Senseeeei," Shikamaru called out again. "I'm still too lazy."

"Oi!" Reya shouted. "We're still fighting!!!"

Reya tried to kick Shikamaru, but her legs hurt from the fall. "Shoot," she thought.

Shikamaru took advantage of this and used taijutsu against her. She was knocked off.

Winner, second round, Shikamaru.

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