12| Luna's Apartment

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Idea of how Akai looks above^ credits: Google. Lol

Trivia: Being a young bishounen type isn't the original idea for Akai. I imagined him as a man in his twenties or so.


"Dumplings, duh, Dumplings, duh..." Luna repeatedly say what the fake Sasuke told her while she rested on her bed.

"Dumplings, duh... HOW CAN THAT GUY BE A NINJA?!?" Luna laughed her head out. "If he was to transform into someone, at least complete his information! Sasuke will surely answer ramen there. And I obviously hate Dumplings! HAHAHAHAHA!"

"You're so loud." A voice outside her door stopped her from laughing. "Me in?"

"You can punch that weak door down anytime though, Uchiha."

"How'd you know it was me?" Sasuke asked as he closed the door after he entered.

"As if anyone other than you would know where I live. You shouldn't know, actually!"

"You still blame me for that?"

"Yeah, it's your fault I got an ankle break back then. I hate you. Tch."

"Hey, relax!"

"How can I relax with a baka inside my apartment room?"

"I'm not a baka."

"Hohoho! You sure are, Mister!"


"Hold on, try to ruin this place and I'll kill you. Just munch on chips right there."

"Fine." Sasuke opened one.

"...Ick---You actually eat this stuff?!!" Sasuke complained as his face went all green.

"THAT THING'S EXPIRED!" Luna laughed like she was insane. "You just proved two things now."

Sasuke raised an eyebrow.

"First, you're blind, second, you're definitely a freakin dumbass."

"Whatever, it's your fault for placing expired chips here!"

"Payback." Luna smirked.

Sasuke stood up, and at the same time, Luna immediately hid her picture frames. "Noooo. Not my pictures."

"Too late."

"What?!?! You freaking..."

Sasuke sighed. "Say, who's that girl beside you?"

Luna's eyes widened. "M-my best friend."

"At that age? She looks more like a big sister or cousin."

"I told you, she's my... Best friend!" Luna huffed and looked the other way.

"Don't lie."

"I don't trust you, anyway."

"Spill the beans, Kanata. I won't tell anyone."

Luna glared at Sasuke.

Sasuke folded his arms and glared back.

"Ugh, she's my best friend! She's dead, though!"

"Don't lie, Luna."

Luna looked sadly at Sasuke. She sighed.

"She's... My sister."


"And she's alive, now you happy?"

"Hn. What would be her age right now?"

"Thirteen, but uh... Turning fourteen. In five months."


"What the hell is wrong with that?"

"Let's just say my brother's the same age as your sister."

*long silence*

"YOU SPOKE ABOUT YOUR BROTHER!!!!!" Luna blurted out.

"...I hate him anyway." Sasuke mumbled.

"Where's your brother?"

"Beats me."

"Find him then."

"I'm gonna graduate from the Academy first, idiot."

"IDIOT? You called me IDIOT?"

"Yeah. How about your sister? Where is she?"

"Somewhere." Luna said as she remembered the letter that her friend Riko gave her.

"Somewhere?" Sasuke tilted his head.

"Somewhere over the rainbow."

"Way up high."

"HAH!" Luna threw her head. "You actually know the song!!!!"

"I just came to pass by a group of musicians, that's all." Sasuke bluntly replied.


"Why don't you know where your sister is? It's not like she murdered your clan and went away, right?"

"Hah," Luna said, having a mental flashback. "I have my own story."

"Spill the beans."



"I'll tell you two years later."


"I should keep it to myself, you know. No one else should know about it. Kinda like my... HOUSE ADDRESS."


"I still blame you!"

"Okay, okay..."

*long silence*

"Please? Tell me?" Sasuke pleaded.

He's actually begging for it, Luna thought.


"You're just the same as my brother!" Sasuke cried.

"I didn't murder a clan, you blind goofball! How can I be the same as him?!"

"You guys don't let me do and have what I want but then tells me I'll have it later."

"Proves you're selfish."


"Heey. Try to think about it, Sasuke. Your brother killed your entire clan. He killed his friends. He killed his parents. Yet he didn't kill you. What the hell is wrong with that?"

"Beats me."

"He killed his parents but he didn't kill his brother! That's completely absurd!"

"Maybe I'm too handsome."

Luna nearly puked on her cup ramen.

"Chiryushly?" Luna muffled her words with ramen. "You think that's the reason?"

"Who knows." Sasuke smirked.

"I bet your brother called you a foolish little brother every time."

"H-how did you know?!"

"Oh, I was right?"


"Before you destroy my room. Sushi, my treat."

"You have that much money?"

"Oh, you don't want free sushi."

"No, no! Let's go."

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