Get Your Spy On Chapter 7

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Get Your Spy On

Chapter 7

Wendy’s POV

“UGH!” I scream out loud as I throw a book at the wall across from me, resulting it to make a loud noise and then another noise as it hits the ground. I grab a vase and throw it toward the kitchen, making another grunt of anger.

A hand catches the vase as it tumbles to the ground. Dad appears, his face frowning. “Your grandmother will be here any second and you want to start throwing a tantrum? Do your mother a favor and be and look presentable.”

“It’s like you don’t even care that I’m last on the squad list! Doesn’t it make you mad that I’m not good enough to be considered to be one of the few they move up? I’ve worked so hard for this, and for what? That’s right, nothing.”

My Dad stared at me, his eyes flashing from anger to understanding. He walked closer to me, his hand still wrapped around the mouth of the vase. “I’ve worked you the hardest I could, and the rest was up to you to handle. The Alpha told me you’d be amazing if you just opened up with your teammates. You got in a fight with Sloane the first day you met her as a spy.”

He walks away, but stops to put the vase back in its regular place. He told me the story about his spy group and the trouble they had. It’s sad to know it took a near death for them to get along, and I don’t want that to happen to me and my team, but I think it’s too late. I’ve been nothing but mean to Sloane and the others, and after everything I’ve done to her, she stuck up for me against the Alpha.

She took a slap for me. How could I act like that? I would be revolted if I had to deal with someone like me. She’s a good spy, fighter, person, and she can be herself with our team. The exact opposite of me. I wanted to call her when I got home and apologize for my horrid actions over the past couple days, but I never got the nerve to.

I can’t call her while my grandmothers here either, that nosey old bat. I swear I don’t know how she’s married still, but she did remarry nearly four times. Each guy was younger and younger until she finally settled down with my grandfather, who is four years younger than her.

As I’m getting ready, the doorbell rings. I answer it, wearing a big smile on my face. Cheery perky Wendy, I thought to myself bitterly. Grandma walked into the room, more like flounced into the room, grandpa walking in after her, quiet as always.

Grandma smelled the air, her nose wrinkling unnecessary. “Let me guess, your mother is cooking this meal.”

I keep my smile on my face, but I wanted to put her in a headlock. “Now, grandma, be nice. We both know my mother tries hard to cook the best for you.”

I cock my head and stare at her innocently. She narrowed her eyes, making them look like hawk eyes. She took off her coat and hands it to me as if I’m a coat check woman. I hang it up in the closet, then I return to my grandparents, my sweet perky Wendy smile still on my face. I escort them to the dining room table even though they know fairly well where it’s at.

I sit in my usual spot, the corner of the table. Grandma settles herself at the head of the table, where she thinks she belongs at. I’d love for her to meet the Alpha, then she wouldn’t think she’s the boss around here. Mom and Dad appeared, both of them smiling. They’ve been happy for the past two days, I don’t know why, but I’m not going to question it.

“Mom,” Mom said to grandma, as she set the meat on the table. She grabbed the cesar salad next with salad tongs inside the bowl. She grabbed the vegetable bowl next, and set it down. She finally looked back up at her, confidence in her eyes. “I just wanted to let you know that I worked really hard on this dinner, and I’d like you to only give good feedback.”

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