Get Your Spy On Chapter 12

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Get Your Spy On

Chapter 12

Eric’s POV

It’s great to have the team back. We’re all together now, almost friends. We can actually do secret agent activities now that the team is together. The Alpha called me this morning. He wants me to come to the headquarters after school tomorrow. I sent Alex a text, and he said that the Alpha is planning on giving us a mission. I asked him how he knew, and he said Ben told him.

I wonder what it will be? Obviously he won’t give us a hard mission, since we will more than likely mess it up. I can’t think about it too long. I promised Maggie and Neil I’d help them create a new art piece. They both have canvases out, and I have my sketchpad.

We sit in silence, occasionally one of us will ask a question or give out a few pointers. I find myself painting a portrait of Wendy. I wasn’t doing it purposely, it was as if my hand started sketching by itself. 

Once I’m finished, I put it aside and start another one. I end up sketching Sloane, and then I sketch Alex. I put all three to the side, and see Maggie stop painting and examine them.

“That’s not a werewolf.”

I shake my head. “Nope. I figure I can give it to them for their room. They don’t know I sketch though. Now tell me, what do you want in the art piece?”

“I wanted three sketches to form into one,” she says, showing me her piece. It’s of a man and a woman holding hands looking out into the sunset. It’s breathtaking. I move closer to examine it, looking at every brush stroke and every color.

“You want me to sketch this painting?” I ask, not sure where she’s going with this.

“No, I want you to sketch the before scene of this. I want you to sketch a man standing in front of his car, watching his love walking toward him.”

She instructs me to draw his loves’ house behind them, and her walking down the pathway to his car. I get out one of my largest sketchbooks, and get to work. We’re all silent for an hour or so until my hand aches from holding the pencil for so long. I look over at my work, and look at Maggie’s, making sure the man and woman look the same.

I look over at Neil’s work and see him doing a watercolor piece for Maggie.  The couple is sitting down at a little outdoor restaurant, each of them holding a champagne flute in hand. It’s mesmerizing, much better than Maggie and I.

Maggie stops painting and walks over next to me to admire Neil’s work. She nods silently, and then returns to her painting. I finish my drawing, making sure I didn’t miss anything Maggie told me to do. I hand it to Maggie, and she smiles her thanks.

I get something to drink, and then I fill a fresh glass of water for Maggie to put her paintbrushes in. Three hours later, Neil and Maggie finish their paintings, sighing dreamily looking at them.

“What are they for anyways?” I ask, admiring Maggie’s.

“Oh, my friend is opening an art gallery, and she asked us to paint something for it. Oh, to see everyone looking at our work, it’s amazing.”

This isn’t Maggie’s first time having her art in a gallery. Maggie and Neil have had their paintings in galleries a lot lately. This will be my first time though, which is exciting, but I don’t think I deserve it. I’m not that good of an artist.

Soon, I fall asleep, and when I wake up, I hurry to school, swearing out loud when I bang my leg on the door. I throw my clothes on, and run out the door, grabbing anything I need along the way.

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