Get Your Spy On Chapter 11

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Get Your Spy On

Chapter 11

Wendy’s POV

My arms are chained up, and across from me lays Bradly’s body. They left him there so I could see it. My eyes start closing, alerting me it’s almost midnight. I’ve been kept in here for almost a week now. Who knows what’s going on with the spies right now. Every moment that goes by, my hope weakens. I know the Alpha knows about what my father did, but nonetheless I hoped he wouldn’t take the blame out on me.

I also hoped my family would try to find me. For all I know they could be dead right now. My father has already left for his mission in China too I bet. Did he leave me here to rot? I had a week in this cold, dusty, dark, prison to think about everything to keep me busy, but now I’ve ran out of things to think about.

I’m bored out of my mind. Even them taking me up there to get brutally beaten is better than sitting here chained up, only being unchained to pee and eat. When they do let me pee, they have holes in the stall so they can check on me every now and then.

Eventually they’re going to stop feeding me and then I’ll just sit here chained up, waiting for me to die of starvation. Or they could keep me healthy and for the rest of my life I’d suffer in this place. My arms used to ache the first two days they put the chains on me, but now my arms are so numb and used to the position that it doesn’t burn anymore.

I lie down and try to fall asleep, but I can’t. Just being here a week is agonizing, what if I have to stay here forever? It makes me want them to kill me even more. I can’t ignore the thoughts of them leaving me here anymore. The first day I was here I thought I’d be home in my bed by now.

This is my new room now. This colorless, windowless, lifeless, room. It’s like my mood. To top it all off, all my roommates in here are dead, including my uncle. This is the sad life of Wendy Pierce, the spy who no one cares about.

I fall asleep, but wake up to somebody nudging me with their foot. I wake up and see one of the usual secret agents unchaining me from the wall. She stands me up, then grabs me by the armpit, and drags me to the bathroom.

This bathroom is specifically for their prisoners. I’m the only one who uses it, but there are four stalls inside of it. I go into the nearest one, and go as fast as I can. If I take any longer than a minute, she puts her eye in the hole and watches me. It’s irritating, but by the third day here I’m able to do what I have to do in thirty seconds. I wake my hands up, shaking them repeatedly until I feel circulation. I flush the toilet when I counted to twenty-five, and the secret agent flings the door open. She turns the sink on, and I wash my hands quickly. She turns the sink off, and then drags me back to the dungeon. I see some of the secret agents my age staring at me as they usually do, and each time, they give me a pity nod, as if secret agents could have feelings.

If we had a secret agent in our headquarters we wouldn’t pity them, and at the very least, we wouldn’t frown or look sad to see them in pain. They are all faking it just to give me false hope that I might actually be free from this sad life. I have now grown to accept this will be my life forever until further notice.

She throws me back inside the cell and puts the chains back on my arms and legs. I can’t walk now, nor can I move my arms without pulling a muscle. She stares at me, her face expressionless. Maybe that’s why I tolerate her more than the rest of them. She’s like me; she doesn’t care if the enemy is in pain. She’s just worried about keeping herself alive and not in the position I’m in.

Maybe she has a family she can go home to who actually likes her. If I even got out of this place I couldn’t go home. I’m not welcome there, isn’t that the reason why I went to see my grandparents? I went there on a spur of the moment, hoping they’d take me in and keep me away from the spies? I was living in a delusional fantasy that’s for sure.

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