Get Your Spy On Chapter 23

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Get Your Spy On

Chapter 23

Wendy’s POV

I pack up the last of my bags, pretty much containing weapons and my ultra-favorite jeans to kick some serious booty in. Once I’m done, I head on to mom’s room, to help her fold all of Hope’s clothes. Sloane and I are going to the grocery store later today to load up on baby food for Hope so I don’t have to worry about not having enough formula, food, etc.

“You think this is worth having?” Mom asks, holding up a sparkly baby dress.

“Just pack the shorts and shirts. We want her to be a tomboy, remember?”

Mom laughs. “You wanted her to be a tomboy. I want her to wear sparkly dresses and little gold shoes, not to mention sparkly headbands.”

I pretend to gag, getting her laughing. I help her finish packing, and then we head out to go to Sloane’s house. I’ve been to her house a few times, and each time it’s a hit or miss if it’s going to be a good day with her mom or not. I warn my mother ahead of time of Sloane’s mom. It’s a little much to handle when you first meet her, especially if you’ve known her before she became forgetful. The door swings open, and Sandy runs out. She stops briefly, her eyes narrowing.

“What are you doing here?”

I glance at the house, and then back at Sandy. “They didn’t tell you?”

At that moment Mrs. Adams comes out, smiling at both of us. “You’re here! Let me help you with those boxes.”

I’m about to tell her it’s alright, but she’s already plucking the box out of my hands. She seems sturdy with it, and even cracks a joke or two with my mom. I wrinkle my eyebrows, and when I see Sloane, I pull her aside and ask her what’s going on.

“Listen, I didn’t want to tell you or Alex about it because I was afraid you two would want to come and the spy told me nobody could know about it, but I needed a ride, so since Eric’s the leader I knew I had to tell him, so he took me, and I know you were jealous because you thought we were doing who knows what, but-“

“Sloane, get to it!”

“The Alpha had someone come meet me at the deserted mall and gave me medicine to cure my mom and Sandy. I gave it to both of them last night, and when they woke up, they felt great!”

“You stuck a needle in them?”

“No, it turned out to be a pill. I crushed it and put it into their smoothies.”

She grins at me, and I can’t help but smile back. Sloane’s finally getting her life back, and I know I shouldn’t feel jealous, but I am sort of. I push the feeling aside, and we both go back outside to get the rest of the boxes. Sandy is still outside next to her car, shaking her head at her mom. “Are you serious? You didn’t even bother to ask me?”

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