Get Your Spy On Chapter 24

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Get Your Spy On

Chapter 24

Eric’s POV

I knock on Sloane’s door Monday afternoon after school. Sloane opens the door, cheerfully. “My mom is doing great, Eric! I can’t believe it! I can’t believe the Alpha actually did something nice for us.”

I smile at her. “That’s great. Yeah, I’m surprised too. I’m still waiting for him to jump out of a bush and say “Gotcha!””

She laughs, and then lets me in. Inside I see Wendy and Alex sprawled out on her floor, arm wrestling. I watch them for a moment, secretly betting on whose going to win.

“My money is on Wendy,” Sloane says, walking in front of me and plopping on the couch. I sit down next to her, and at the end, Wendy comes out as the victor. Alex takes his wallet out and throws down a twenty dollar bill, and Wendy takes it.

“Do you want twenty bucks as well, Sloane?” Alex asks, rolling his eyes as he props his arm back up for another round.

Sloane takes Wendy’s place on the ground, and puts her arm out. “Forty bucks.”

Wendy sits down next to me, and stares at them. I feel awkward around her, and I wish I don’t, but I do. We’re a team, and if we can’t be comfortable together, someone will get hurt. I watch Sloane and Alex arm wrestler for a little while, but it’s a no brainer who’s going to win. Sloane wins, and Alex forks over more money. She hands it back. “Girlfriends take their boyfriends money all the time. I don’t want to do that to you, especially since your ego must be pretty wounded right now.”

She leans back until her head is touching the couch cushion. Alex laughs it off, and starts doing kung fu moves. Wendy rates him on each move, giving him all three’s, just to anger him.

“Do you realize we’re done with missions?” Sloane whispers to me.

After a moment, I realize she’s right. We won’t be working together anymore, and we probably won’t talk to each other either. If this is a good-bye, this sucks. Once Wendy’s mom goes into labor, the clock starts ticking down for us. Sloane talked to me yesterday and told me that the spies in China are waiting for her word to escape. I think it’s nice of Sloane and Alex to help Wendy escape, but I don’t think they’ll be able to do both, to save their parents and help Wendy. It’s one or the other, so I know in the end it’ll be just me helping her.

“So, I’m going to talk to my aunt and uncle,” I say, flexing my feet.

“What’re you going to tell them?” Alex asks, freezing in one of his moves.

“I’m going to show them the picture and point blank ask them what’s going on. It’s the only approach I see working. They’ll deny it if I go any other way.”

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