Get Your Spy On Chapter 10

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Get Your Spy On

Chapter 10

Alex’s POV

I hear it first, the sound of grunting. I turn to my left and see Eric holding his side in pain. Blood streams down, his hands covered in scarlet blood. The smell is horrible, like death is everywhere. I try to sit up, but my body refuses to obey. My mind is still muddled, but piece by piece I’m starting to understand what’s going on.

I look behind me, expecting to see Sloane out cold as well, but she’s nowhere in sight. I see two guns a few feet away from us, more than likely me and Eric’s guns. I crawl over and grab them, and then see that one of my bullets is missing in my gun. I look over at Eric, putting two and two together. Who shot him? It couldn’t have been Sloane, could it?

I crawl back over to Eric, and inspect his wound. The bullet is still wedged into his side, but it’s too deep for me to take out without Eric screaming out loud, giving us away without a doubt. I don’t know what to do besides crawl around, looking for my father or anybody else’s dad.

Right when I turn a corner behind a burning car, I see Allen and my father lying on the ground, two secret agents standing over them, talking intensely about what to do with them. I point my two guns at them, making sure I get a good shot before I shoot. Right when I was about to pull the trigger, I saw one of them look in my direction, and shoot three bullets at me. I jump backwards, barely missing them.

I start crawling away, but they’re already running after me. They grab my legs and drag me over to my dad and Allen. I look over and thankfully I see Eric pretending he’s dead. If I have to die, at least he doesn’t have to suffer the same fate as I do.

Allen looks over at me and groans loudly. I see my father stare at me, sorrow written all over his face. I look at him and see numerous of wounds on him, including a swollen eye. Allen isn’t in better shape, so I’m assuming I’ll look like them in a matter of moments.

“Is Wendy securely in the truck?” One of them asks the other, putting his right foot in my back so I can’t escape.

The other nods, grinning from ear to ear. “She’s not very good at fighting is she? She did one kick in the air and passed out once I punched her in the gut. She woke up though and wouldn’t stop screaming some kids’ name. I’m betting it’s the one I shot since she started screaming out loud in pain as she watched.”

They both chuckled, and then, with a final act of vengeance, they pour gasoline around everything, then set a match on it. The flame immediately licks the gasoline, starting a chain reaction everywhere. They rush away into their truck and fly off, taking Wendy with them back to the headquarters.

I manage to sit up just as Allen and dad stand up. They help me up, then slowly, we both wince our way out. There’s only a little opening without fire, and we jump through it before the flames take over. They both started walking, not even stopping to even explain where we’re going.

I hurry over to Eric, but I feel my legs give out and I fall to the ground beside him pathetically. How could I be so weak? I nudge Eric with my hand and I see his eyes fly open by my touch. He winces and yelps, the pain overtaking him. I see Allen walk over and pick up Eric.

“We have three cars up ahead in case of an emergency. We can take the airplane and get back home. There’s a kit in there as well, so we can fix him up.”

He glances at Eric, then back up at me. We walk in the direction he pointed in, and soon I see two unattended cars sitting there. Allen and my father exchanged a look of bewilderment. They don’t say anything so they don’t alarm me and Eric, but I can tell there’s something wrong due to a car being missing.

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