Get Your Spy On Chapter 22

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Get Your Spy On

Chapter 22

Alex’s POV

I pack something to eat for me and my squad, and then I get ready for school. Right when I get out of school, Wendy, Eric, and I are going to head over to see Sloane. They refused to let her go until this evening. She must be bored to death. I put sandwiches inside a picnic basket, and then a pile of grapes, and as an afterthought I put in juice boxes. Once everything is packed, I change out of my pajamas, and put on my school clothes. I pack my projects, and then I carry everything to my car. I look down and see my mom texted me to have a good day at school. Matt still hasn’t returned, and I’m starting to think he’s not going to. Maybe he died in China during the fight in the woods.

I text her back and tell her to have a good day, and then I text Tyler that I’ll meet him outside of school. I get into my car, and then drive to school. I blast the music as well as the heater. Even though I live in California, it’s cold for me.

As I park my car in the school parking lot, I see Tyler amongst the crowd, well I only see his backpack. I see it start running to my car, and then I see his whole body. He grins, and straightens up when I get out. “Dude-“

Wendy appears, and cuts Tyler off. “Did you get the food? I brought Sloane a change of clothes.”

I see a hint of a gash on her eye from the crash, but it isn’t very noticeable. She glances at Tyler. “Hey, whoever you are.”

She turns back to me, and I force myself not to give her a look. “Yes I brought food. The drinks will be warm though.”

She shrugs and grabs my arm. She drags me into the school building, Tyler trailing after us, huffing and puffing. I feel bad that Wendy is being inconsiderate to him, but that’s just Wendy. It took her months to become friends with Eric, Sloane, and I. I don’t even know if we’re considered friends to her. She acts like it, but she always has those comments. I do too though, I mean I called Eric a mole and then beat him up. I knew he didn’t mean to punch Sloane, but I couldn’t control my anger. One good thing came out of it though; Sloane and I are finally together.

I have a feeling it won’t last long though. Something will come up, and Sloane and I won’t be able to be together. I take a deep breath, and shake those thoughts out of my head. A few of Wendy’s cheerleading friends wave at her, but she ignores them, no longer caring about them. She’s not even wearing her cheerleading outfit anymore.

Tyler pushes Wendy to the side so he can squeeze in between us. “As I was saying, I can’t believe you’re canceling our Star Trek marathon!”

“I thought you two already had one?” Wendy asks, bored by the conversation.

No, that was Star Wars, two different things! How can you be friends with someone like this?” Tyler asks me, giving Wendy the dirtiest look he can muster.

Wendy rolls her eyes at him, and then she says she’s heading to class. She hikes up her bag, and then strides to her class, Bridget and Kara appearing at her side.

“You like her, don’t you?” I say to Tyler as we walk to class.

Tyler gives me a look, revolted. “Her? She just trashed two of our all-time favorite things!”

My two all-time favorite things? I don’t say anything, letting him believe I’m on his side. Before I started being a spy, we spent all of our time together, and we understood each other perfectly. It’d kill him to know that he doesn’t know me very well anymore. I don’t know how he’d react if I told him what I’ve been thinking too.

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