Get Your Spy On Chapter 8

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Get Your Spy On

Chapter 8

Eric’s POV

“What do you mean Wendy Pierce has left the country?” The Alpha asked one of his many assistants.

His assistant looked down at his black dress shoes, blushing. It must be embarrassing to have to tell your boss that a spy has gone on her own quest without permission. “Well, sir, it seems that she’s trying to find her father’s family.”

The Alpha leaned back in his chair, his eyebrow raised. I shifted in my seat uncomfortably. I know what he’s going to say before he even says it. “So, Eric, what do you have to say about this predicament?”

I felt my face grow hot. Of course he’d blame me for not knowing about Wendy’s plans. I should’ve known I guess, but as you already know, she still isn’t too fond of me. I was the only one he could blame since it is my job to keep track of the spies on my team.

“I-I-I-I-I don’t know what happened, sir,” I say slowly, feeling weak. “I didn’t know she was leaving to go find them. I didn’t even know her father’s parents left him.”

 “I see,” The Alpha said, no trace of expression on his face. He turned to Sloane next, his eyes burning into her. I can see it in his eyes; he wants an explanation whether it’s true or not. Sloane stared back at him, her face having no expression as well.

The Alpha looked at Alex, smirking. He may have done well on the test, but there’s no way Alex could lie to the Alpha like Wendy, Sloane, and I can. Nobody knows where Wendy is, that’s for sure.

“Alex,” The Alpha said, his voice lighthearted, “You have an obsession over Wendy, right? You must know where she is, don’t you?”

Alex shook his head. “I don’t know where she is. She doesn’t talk to us. You know that, don’t you sir? If she would tell anybody, it’d be Eric.”

Thanks, Alex, thanks a lot. The Alpha turned back to me, a delighted expression written all over his face. I can see flecks of gray hair in his mane, making him look wise. His suit is crisp in his usual manner, and his wisdom is just as spot on as ever. “Eric. This is your chance to redeem yourself of your horrible scores so far. If you know where Wendy is, now would be a good time to stop acting like a hero and tell me.”

I looked at Alex, and gave him a good stare down. “Like you said, Alex is the one in love with her, not me. If I knew where she was, wouldn’t you think I’d be with her right now, helping her accomplish whatever that is?”

Sloane pinched my leg warningly. She knows something, something I don’t. The Alpha shook his head, disgusted by our actions. I felt Sloane tense up as his gaze returns to her, his eyes now boring into hers.

“Listen,” Sloane said, her voice cold. “We don’t know where Wendy is and we don’t know when she’ll be getting back, but what I know is that what she’s doing isn’t something one of your workers should be doing.”

She crossed her arms over her chest, and cocked her head at the Alpha. He looked taken aback, but he recovered by getting up from his chair and walked over to her. He leaned down until they were eye to eye, then gave her a devious smile.

He has the power to kill her, to kill all of us. There’s nothing stopping him, but he needs us, because without us, he can’t get Wendy back. Nobody knows Wendy, but if anybody had to, it’d be us.

“If you leave now, you should be able to catch the two o’clock flight to Paris, where I expect she should be. Her uncle’s business is located there, find it. Don’t come back until you get her as well.”

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