Chapter 2; Hidan vs Mr wiskers

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The picture above is Yuki's stuffed animal mister/Mr wiskers 

Yuki's POV

I opened up the closet and took out my favorite kimono. Konan had brought for me when she was in the land of fire on a mission. The kimono was a soft pink and had a cute flower pattern with a purple obi.  It was a bit to large for me, but Konan-chan told me it would fit perfectly when I get a bit taller. I walked over to the mirror with the obi in my hands, but my foot stumble on the edge of the kimono and I fell to the floor with a loud smack. 

The door slammed open and Itachi ran towards helping me sit up. He look up and down with worry in his eyes as he scanned me for  injuries. Itachi touched a small bump on my forehead and moist came into my eyes. 

"Yuki you need to be more careful" he sighed as he lifted me on my feet. I looked down at my feet where the obi had landed and mumbled "sorry onii chan". He grabbed onto the obi and said "let me help you okay". 

A smile formed on my face as Onii chan help me putting on the obi. When he had finished making sure the kimono wasn't to tight or to loose, he took me into his arms and placed me on my big fluffy bed. He sat down behind me and began putting my waist long hair into braid. 

"Now shall we go and see the rest" he whispered into my ear while having both hands on my shoulders. I nodded and took Mr wiskers into my arms. Itachi grabbed onto me and lifted me up into his arms. A giggle came from my lips as I hugged my white rabbit while leaning into Onii chans chest. 

Time skip 

Yuki POV

Itachi led me into the living room where all the other member were gathered. Zetsu was taking care of a small plant while Kisame polished his giant sword. I jumped out of his arms and ran over to Hidan that was asleep on the couch. Deidara and sasori were yelling at each other about what art was like usually. When I came closer I could see how Hidan was blushing while mumbling something like "yeah baby come closer" I sneaked my way onto the couch and jumped down onto Hidans stomach. A growling sound came as his eyes shut open. 

"WHAT THE F****" he yelled out but quickly covering his mouth when he made eye contact with me. He ran his figures through his hair and said "seriously Yuki it is not nice to wake people up from a good nape". 

"but you told me to come closer and MR wiskers said it was a good idea" I mumbled with innocent eyes as I hugged Mr wiskers. Kakuzu gave out a small laugh as Hidan sama started blushing while rubbing the back of his head. He sighs and said" Yuki it was you I was talking about" while patting me on the head. 

Hidan POV

I glared down at the stupid rabbit in Yukis embrace. Her soft silk like hair was tangling in-between my fingers, but sobbing suddenly came from Yuki. F*** great what have I now done wrong. Soon or later I am going to sacrifice that idiotic rabbit to Jashin for ruining all of my afternoon naps. 

"yuki please don't cry"stumbled out from my mouth as I tried to calm her down. She rubbed her blood stained eyes and mumbled "Hidan sama does not like mr wiskers anymore".  Sweat dripped down my forehead as I could feel everyone else glaring at me.

"Yuki, I don't hate mister wiskers" I stamped out while drying of some of the tears rolling down her cheeks. 

"are you sure" she said and I gave a small nod i reply. She shock her head and said "you need to apologies to mister wiskers". I could her deidara and sasori giggling in the background. SERIOUSLY NOTE TO SELF SACRIFICE DEIDARA AND SASORI TO JASHIN WHEN YUKI IS NOT AROUND. I gobbled down some of the saliva in my throat and sighed out "I am sorry mister wisker". 

Yuki busted into joy and jumped onto my chest making me fall of the couch and landing with my back against the ground. Seriously she has worse mood swings than a woman on her period. I tried to gasp for the air that she had forced out of my lungs with her "little" hug. Good thing I am immortal. 

"Yuki get off Hidan" Pein yelled as he walked into the room with Konan behind him. She jumped off me and rushed over to hug Pein's legs. I never thought I should think this but I owe you one, Pein.

Pein POV

 When I came into the room, I could see Yuki on top of pale Hidan. A sigh escaped my lips as I yelled "Yuki get off Hidan". She rushed over to me and hugged my legs while holding onto her bunny with one hand. 

I took her up into my arms and looked across the room. Good everyone is here. 

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