chapter 35; Picnic and Papa's youthfulness

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Yuki POV

Weeks has passed since we were on that mission. I was walking down the road heading towards the Ramen shop that me and Naruto always went to, when we had time off.  On the way I had gotten to bird tower to send a letter to Gaara-kun about how I was doing and that Mr. wiskers and I missed him. Maybe Papa and Pappy will let me visited him when we have a mission in the hidden sand one day. I was holding a bento box in my hands. 

"Naruto-kun" I yelled out as my eyes saw the golden hair boy leaning against one of the posters. He rubbed the back of his neck as he said "hey Yuki-chan ready to go".  I smiled at him and gave him a small nod. We both walked down the streets of the leaf village and head towards the forest outside the city. 

Time Skip

Naruto and I entered a clearing in the forest where all of former classmates where gathered. We all sat down on a large carpet and people had taken bento boxes with them. I sat down next to Hinata and placed the box in front of me. Akamaru ran away from Kiba and placed himself in my lap. 

"Akamaru come back hear" Kiba yelled at him, but the little puppy stared up into my eyes. I rubbed him behind his ear and said "wanna sit with me and Hinata". Akamaru barked in joy, while a giggle escaped my lips. 

"Kiba is it alright if Akamaru sit here" I asked and a soft shade of red came on Kibas face as he rubbed himself in the neck while mumbling "I guess so". Everyone began to eat and talked about all the mission they had been on and what their Sensei was like. Naruto tried his best to get Sakura attention, but got punched in the face because of it. I looked towards Hinata that would blush each time Naruto looked in her direction. Seriously Naruto why must you be such an air head when it comes to Hinata. I wonder why Sasuke did not come, probably because of his two fangirls, but still I would like to at least get along with him even though he is the biggest jerk around the entire leaf village. 

Time passed and we all head back home. I "accidentally" made Naruto walked Hinata home for me, while I would wake home with Kiba and Akamaru since we lived close to one another. Akamaru would either sit on Kiba head or he would be sleeping in my arms. 

"Yuki, you are pretty good with animals, is there a reason for it" Kiba said while Akamaru snuggled closer into my coat. I smiled at Kiba while saying "thanks Kiba-kun, but to tell you the truth, I don't know but for some reason animals would always come up to me without any problem". We both began talking about our experience with animals, but of course I would leave out anything that was about my big brothers. 

"I have to go here, see you later Yuki-chan" Kiba said and Akamaru jumped out of my arms and they began walking down a different road. I sighed and head towards my house, but the minute I got to the door I could hear the sound of Pappy-sama praising Papa for his youthfulness. When I walked into the living room, I saw Papa on the couch reading his "no no book", while Pappy stood with flames of passion pouring out of his eyes. 

"Yuki you are back" Papa said and I walked over to him. I smiled at him while saying "what is wrong with Pappy".  A sigh came from Papa as he said "he is just talking about the chunin exam and how youthful it is of me to make your team take the exam". 

"ahh whats the chunin exam" I said while tilting my head and a question mark was flooding above my head.  Pappy fell face forwards down to the floor and yelled out "don't tell me, you teachers did not tell you about the chunin exam".  Papa clapped the spot on the couch next to him, telling me to sit down. Pappy began talking about the chunin exam and how it was next step on the road to becoming a ninja. He also told me ninja from all the hidden village would come and take the test. A smile formed on my lips. Maybe Gaara will be coming as well, he did say he was waiting to go up in rank last time I got a letter from him. 

"when does this start, Papa" I asked while turning towards him. He closed his book and said "in two weeks time". I jumped off the coach and said "don't worry Papa and Pappy I will win this competition and make you guys proud". Pappy began to cry and pulled me into one of his killer hugs. It felt like my souls was about to leave my body. 

"GAI release her, her soul is starting to come out" Papa said and Pappy release me again, while saying sorry over and over. 


I was suppose to meet Naruto in a few minutes, but Papa had made me run across the leaf village to get him a new "no no book". My feet were jumping from roof to roof as I head towards the place we agree to meet.  I suddenly heard Naruto voice yelling  in the distance. 

I change direction and head towards the voice. I reached a bridge in the leaf village and saw Naruto yelling at a boy with a black cat hoodie. Sasuke was having a fighting stand, while standing between the two. A girl with blond hair and a giant fan was standing in the background saying "Kankuro stop it, we will be late".

My eyes suddenly fell on a familiar red hair boy walking towards them without anyone noticing. A smile formed on my face and a warm feeling filled my heart. Sand flooded out of a gourd on his back and was moving towards the scene. 

"Gaara-kun" I mumbled. 

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