Chapter 37: Hidan gives advice

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Naruto POV

"Naruto, do you think Yuki-chan is going to be alright " Konohamaru asked as we walked through the village. I had not seen Yuki at all since yesterday when does sand ninja threaten Konohamaru. I wonder why Yuki looked so sad when that red hair boy came. My eyes meet with Konohamaru's and I could see worry written all over his face.

"don't worry, I am sure Yuki-chan is going to be fine" I uttered trying to calm him down. A shine return to his eyes as he gave me a smile as he said "okay, If you say so".

"hey, Naruto" a male voice yelled.

"Kakashi sensei" I said as I turned around meeting face to face with the white haired man. I had never seen that man so serious before, it was like a demon had awakened within him. Konohamaru ran off without saying a world.

"whats up kakashi sensei" I muttered while rubbing the back of my neck. Kakashi sighed as he leaned back while saying "do you know what happened to Yuki-chan, she has not left her room since she came home crying yesterday".

My eyes blinked wildly as I heard the words coming from sensei. Seriously, who was that kid and how could he make Yuki break down like that. I sighed and began explaining Kakashi what happened yesterday. He listened to every little detail I gave him.

Yuki POV

I was walking through the forest outside the leaf village. Of course I had not told Pappy that I had left the house, since I need to be alone right now and Pappy would have followed me if he knew where I went. Mr Wisker was safely in my arms as I jumped from tree top to tree top. Why did he act so cold towards me. I sat down and leaned against the tree trunk and snuggled up to my fluffy bunny.

"what is that for a shit face to be showing" A voice yelled behind me. I rose my eyes and a smile spread across my face as I saw the familiar red eyes and white hair.

"Hidan nii-chan" I mumbled as he jump towards the branch I was sitting on. A smirk was on his face as he rubbed his hand on top of my head, but it quickly vanished as he hand moved across my puffed up eyes.

"what happened, Yuki-chan, did some fucker hurt you" he said while growling at the last bit as he continued "want me to sacrifice them to Jashin". He sat down in front of me while his feet were hanging in the air. The scythe on his back was scrapping against the branch.

"hey Yuki, tell me what happened" he said in a low tone while gazing towards me. I hugged Mr wiskers while mumbling "Hidan nii-chan, what do you do when the person you thought was your best friend act like you were some kind of alien". A sigh came from Hidan nii-chan as he rubbed the back of his neck while saying " arrrhhh so that is whats fucking bothers you".

"how did you knew something was wrong" I asked.

"remember Yuki-chan it is that brat Sasori that made Mr wiskers for you" Hidan said and glared down at my bunny while saying "do you really think that we would leave you alone in the leaf village without keeping an eye out for what is happening around you".

"I see" I said in a low voice as a warmth came in my heart. I looked up at nii-chan as he said "if it is really bothering you then you should just keep nagging that fucker of a friend of your until he tells you whats wrong".

Hidan POV

"your right Hidan Nii-chan" Yuki-chan said with stars in her eyes. It was as if fireworks were popping up around. She rose from her seat and said with a happy voice "I am sorry but I gotta go big brother". Yuki-chan ran off as I was about to tell her the message from Leader. Well at least the little princess is alright. I better report everything back to leader-sama and lets hope that Itachi and Kisame are ready for their mission.

Yuki POV

I jumped through the trees one after another. My heart was pounding wildly as sweat dripped from forehead. I need to find Gaara and quickly, I won't loose him without him giving me a reason for it. The evening sun had already started to set. I was about to get across the train fields when my eyes spotted the red head I was looking for. What was he doing out here on his own. This is my chance to talk with him, I though as I jumped down from the tree.

"GAARA" I yelled earning the attention of the emotionless boy that was once my friend. He turned towards me with eyes that screamed out you are death to me. I walked into the clearing while keeping my eyes focused on his face, when I looked closer I could see glitter in the corner of his eyes. Gaara were you just crying right now, I thought as he spat out "what are you doing here".

"tell me why you acted like a total jerk towards my friends and me back then, your comrades were even scared of you" I asked trying to keep up the courage Hidan onii-chan had given me. He turned away from me and ordered out "Yuki I want you to leave the leaf village right now". WHAT, why are you acting so strange and why does he want me to leave, what is it you are hiding Gaara-kun. All those thoughts in my head almost made the world spin around in circles.

"Gaara tell me what is wrong, why are you acting like this, what happened to the boy I knew and that was MY BEST FRIEND" I said as tears stared streaming down my cheeks, while blood dripped from my lower lip.

"SHUT UP, YUKI" he yelled out a sharp pain came through my stomach as my back was pushed against tree. Gaara sand was chaining me to a tree and I could see something in his eyes that I had only seen once before.

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