Chapter 23: Naruto the trouble-maker

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hey guys, since this fanfiction has gotten so popular, I have decided to write another fanfiction, but I am not sure which anime/mange I should choose, so I am going to ask you guys, since all of you are so awesome. I have decided that it is going to be one of these 5, but it is up to you guess which one should be choosen.




- Ouran highschool host club 

- kyo kara maoh

You guys just write a comment on which one you would like for me to write a fanfiction about and for does who do it, I will just say thank you :)


Yuki POV

It had been 3 years since I came to the Leaf village and was adopted by Pappy and Papa. The Akatsuki had talk to me through Mr. wiskers, when it was my birthday and on other special occasions. They told me it would be to dangerous for them to visited me since they were not on friendly terms with the Leaf. I had also been writing to Gaara telling him how I was doing and that when I had become a ninja I would come and visited him. Sadly in each letter he sent me, I could feel his loneliness grow more and more. 

Thanks to Pappy and Papa's train, I had become a lot stronger and able to control most of my hidden powers. On some occasions my power did go a bit out of control, since my ice powers were effected by my emotions. I had also train with my Katanas at night, when my dads were not around, since I had been told by my brothers never to show people the true form of yin and yang unless it was an emergency. 

I was one my way to school with Hinata, and in the distance I could hear Iruka sensei yelling Naruto over and over. My eyes fell on the Hokages carved into the mountain and all of them had been covered in painting. Naruto please, I know it is fun to do pranks but that is a bit over the top you know, I thought while giving myself a face palm. 

Suddenly Naruto came out of an ally covered in paint and with Iruka sensei chasing after him. I look towards Hinata-chan and we both started giggling as we saw the scene taking place not fare from us. 

"Yuki-chan do you think Naruto will be alright, maybe we should help him" she said in her usually shy voice. I smiled at her and said "I don't think so, Naruto is strong enough to handle himself, beside we are getting late for school". I did not want to miss the last day before the ninja exam, just because Naruto could behave himself. Hinata nodded at my words and we started walking towards the academy again. 

When we got into the classroom, all the fan girls had already started attacking emo face. Sometimes I did feel sorry for the poor guy, but then I just remember how he acted towards Naruto. I walked over to an empty seat in the classroom. I sat down and Hinata sat down on a seat right behind me, since there was not  many seats left. 

The door busted opened and Iruka sensei dragged a tied up Naruto through the front door. Iruka sensei looked really pissed off as Naruto tried to get free from the ropes. 

"Okay students line up, to day we while practice transformation jutsu" he yelled up and all the students were quickly turning a glare towards Naruto. We all lined up, since nobody wanted irritate Iruka more than he already was. 

The line started with Sakura that of course turned herself into Iruka sensei. I could see a grin on Naruto face and I could tell that he was plotting something. Naruto please don't use that jutsu you create during the summer break last year. 

"Okay Yuki your turn" Iruka sensei said as he stood in front of me. I smiled as I began to make the hand signs for the jutsu and said "transformation jutsu". A large amount of smoke surrounded me and people began to blink as they saw what I have turned into. 

Iruka POV

I looked down at the small wolf cub that had taken Yuki's place. Heart had formed in most of the girls eyes and the boys had started to blush as sent people the most adorable puppy dog eyes. A smile formed on my face as I said "good job, Yuki".

"Akamaru sit still" Kiba yelled as his dog jumped away from his forehead and rushed over to the little wolf cub. Sweat dripped from the Yuki-chan as Akamura jumped onto her and began licking her in the little wolf form of her. 

"Kiba control your dog" I yelled out as Yuki squeezed herself out of Akamaru grip and rushed behind me. Kiba rushed over and grabbed onto Akamaru that was barking like crazy. He tried to calm down his dog and my eyes fell down on Yuki-chan.

"Yuki please get back into your normal form again" I said while gazing down at her. She nodded and put her two paws on top of each other and a cloud of smoke surrounded her. When the smoke vanished you could see Yuki-chan once again, and Akamaru stopped barking. 

"Okay lets continue, Naruto your are up next" I said. Please promise me you won't do something stupid again, Naruto. 

Yuki-chan POV

Okay note to self don't  use that transformation when Akamaru is around,  I thought while looking towards Naruto that was making ready for his jutsu. Oh no he is making does hands signs, I thought and quickly covered my eyes. 

"SEXY JUTSU" he yelled out and I could hear all the girls scream and I pipped through my hands, and I saw the smoke vanished from his NAKED female body. Naruto now you have done it, I though as I saw the anger in sensei face.

"NARUTO" Iruka sensei yelled while hitting him on the head. Poor Naruto, why do you always have to do stuff like that. I could not but giggle at the face Iruka sensei had made when he yelled at Naruto-kun. 

Time Skip

The day ended with Naruto having to stay after school, clean up the classrooms and the Hokage heads. I had to hurry home to train with Pappy, since he would be train with the new team, he had gotten a year ago. I had not meet any of those kids he was train, but he had told me story about how proud he was at his student and that he wanted me to meet them when I had passed the academy exam. 

"Pappy, I am home" I yelled as I entered the house. Pappy ran up to me and lifted me high up into the day. 

"How was my little princess day" he said while embracing me and I giggled. I smiled down at him and said "It was a lot of fun, but dad should we start training". He nodded at my answered and we ran into the training hall. We took our fighting stands and my taijutsu training began. 

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