Chapter 36: What just happened?

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Thank you everyone for being so supportive of this story, It really makes me wanna keep writting more. You guys are really awesome and I will try my best to make new chapters as fast as possible, but remember I am only human ;) Please Enjoy :D


Naruto POV

"hey who the hell do you think you are jerk" I yelled out to the cat boy as he was about to hit Konohamaru. Sasuke jumped down from a tree and landed right in between the Konohamaru and the cat boy. Sasuke then mumbled "get away from here". Kankuro glared at Sasuke and was about to call on a jutsu and Sasuke was taking his fighting stand. He suddenly froze and sweat starts dripping down his neck as a cold voice said "what is happening here". Sand was crawling up his leg and my eyes suddenly fell on a boy with red hair and blue eyes. 

"Gaara" Kankuro said with frightened voice as he slowly turned towards the red hair boy. What the hell is these people deal, why are they even here. Why did Sasuke of all people have to help us. A sigh came from the boy I guess would be Gaara. 

"we will be leaving now" Gaara said and released cat guy from his grip. Sasuke was holding his hand into a fist as he yelled out "why are you guys even here, you are not leaf ninja". The girl in the group smirked as she said "we are here for the chunin exam kids". The 3 of them were about  to leave but then I could hear Yuki voice "Gaara-kun". 

All of us except for Gaara turned towards the voice and saw Yuki-chan stepping out from behind a tree. The two sand ninja looked at her with confusion as she stepped closer towards them and stopped right in between both of the groups. 

Yuki POV  

Why does Gaara feel so distance, I thought as he kept his back turned towards me. The blonde girl broke the silence and said "well who are you and how do you know Gaara name". I could feel all eyes staring at me waiting for a replay. 

"Gaara-kun we are friends, why are you not looking at me" I asked as moist started filling the corner of my eyes. He turned his head a bit so I could see his lips as he said "I don't know what you are talking about girl, you must be thinking of someone else", while he started walking away. The two other ninja followed after them with confusion written on their face. I could feel my feet crumbled underneath me and tears streamed down my cheek. Why, what happened to you Gaara, as I dried away the tears on my cheeks.

"Yuki-chan" Naruto mumbled behind me as I felt his hand on my shoulder. I shook of his hand as I started walking away from them. Naruto asked "are you okay". I kept walking away as I said "I just need to be alone for a while". 

Konohamaru POV

what just happened, I thought as Yuki walk off on her own. Sasuke had a smirk on his face, while Naruto looked towards Yuki with worry. Who were does guy and why did Yuki-chan know one of them. Further why was she cry, I had never seen Yuki cry before, she was always happy no matter what. 

Time-skip Kakashi POV

" hey Kakashi where are you going" Gai asked as I was heading towards the front door. I turned towards him and answered "You see, I forgot to tell the other members of team Kakashi about the chunin exam, so I am going to tell them now, since they have to sign up tomorrow". Gai gave me a tombs up and smiled like an idiot while saying "I see, such youthfulness you are showing by waiting until last minute to tell your students about the exam". Sometimes I wonder if Gai even know what youth means, I though as I was reaching out for the doorknob. 


A sharp pain ran through my head as the door forced me backwards. Yuki-chan ran passed me with eyes towards the ground. I could her sobbing sounds coming from her as she ran passed Gai and head towards her room. 

"WHAT HAPPENED TO MY LOVELY BABY PRINCESS" Gai yelled out as tears started streaming down his cheek. I rubbed my hand against my forehead as I walked toward Gai. Why was Yuki-chan crying, what in the world happened, I thought. Gai looked like he was ready to kill someone for hurting our little girl. 

"Gai relax, lets go ask her what happened" I said and we both head towards her room. When I came to the door I could hear Yuki crying on the other side. I knocked on the door and asked "Yuki are you alright".  She did not answer and simply kept crying. I tried opening the door but it was locked.  Gai knocked on the door as well and said "MY LOVELY PRINCESS, please open the door and let us in". 

"Go away" she yelled back as her voice slowly drowned from her sobbing sounds. Come on Yuki what happened and why won't you let us in. I shook my head as I said "Gai can you stay here, I am going to ask her friends if they know why she is crying". Gai nodded his head and start banging on the door yelling out that it was not very youthful to keep secret from Pappy and Papa. Worry was filling my mind, Yuki-chan has never cried like this before. She would always come up to us when she was sad, so why is she locking herself up in her room? I left the house and set off to find Naruto and the rest of my team. 


"Gaara-kun what happened to you" I mumbled into Mr Wiskers fur, while hearing Pappy voice echo in the background. I hugged Mr Wiskers tightly while crumbling into a ball. Why did you act like we never meet. What was that for an expression on your face, why did you look like you were in pain. Did I really just loose my first friend. "Where are my big brothers when I need them", I mumbled into Mr wiskers ears.

Time went by and Pappy stopped yelling after me. His footsteps echo and after some time I fell into a deep sleep. I did not dream that night all I saw was darkness and Gaara looking at me with  does cold eyes as if I was an alien. Who did this to you?

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