chapter 11: lonely boy

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The kimono that Yuki falls in love with. Just imagine that girl with long black hair and ice blue eyes

By the way thank you for all the lovely votes and comments :) 


Yuki POV

The street were filled with more people than I have ever seen before. People were smiling and laughing as they walked down the street. I had never seen anything like it. It was like these people never had a care in the world. From being part of the Akatsuki I had always been worried about the chance that one of my brothers or my sister would be killed by someone else.

My fathers took me into a shop that was filled with all kinds of clothes. Stars formed in my eyes as I began to look at all the things lined up in the store. I had never been to may stores, because yeah my family were so called criminals, so it was a bit difficult for them to take me  outside and do some shopping if they wanted to. 

Pappy had vanished into the store, while Papa lead me to an area filled with clothes my size. He ruffled my hair and said "okay, Yuki we need to get  you some everyday clothes and some ninja clothes". I nodded and began looked through a pile of T-shirt in all different kinds of colors.  

Suddenly Guy-sama ran up to me with a green jumpsuit that matched his own with a big smile on his face. Pappy held it out in front of himself as he said "Yuki-chan with these outfit you would look extremely and you would become a strong ninja like your Pappy". A drop of sweat fell from my forehead as I thought of my wearing that weird jumpsuit. 

Kakashi-sama ripped the jumpsuit out of Guy-sama arms and said" sorry Guy, but I won't have my daughter wearing some weird looking FROG COSTUME". I  could see fake tears rolling down Pappy face as he heard Papas words. 

My eyes fell one a short black and blue kimono with a soft flower pattern. I took it into my hands and  gazed down at the beautiful kimono. Guy-sama and Kakashi-sama had stopped there arguing and I could hear their footsteps coming closer. My eyes fell on the big price tag that was on the kimono. Seriously even if I saved up from now, I would not be able to afford it until I was as old as my parents.

"do you like it Yuki" Kakashi said as his eyes fell on the kimono.  I gave him a nod, but placed it back on the shelf it had been on. Guy and Kakashi suddenly took the kimono from the shelf as Guy said "alright then let buy it shall we". 

Why would does two buy something that expensive for a girl they just meet. I know that they both adopted me, but still why? 

Time passed by and we ended up finding two kimono, a pair of black short and a T-shirt with a bunny on it for me to sleep on and an outfit for me to train in when I wanted to do some sword practice. Of course I did not tell my fathers why I wanted that outfit, since I though it was best to not tell them about my two swords Yin and Yang yet. 

Time skip 

We had walked around town for a long while getting all the things I need, but then Guy suddenly talked about the bet they made yesterday where they both lost to me. An idea came into my mind as I saw the silhouette of a playground not fare from  use. I looked up at Pappy and Papa as I said "why don't I wait at the playground while you two run around the leaf village".

"are you sure about that" Kakashi said while looking down at me a bite worried. I gave him a small nod and said "of course Papa, and when you two are done then we can go get some dango". They both nodded to each other and set off for to do their laps around the village. I walked towards the playing and through of how I might meet some kids my own age. It would be a lot of fun since I have only had one friend near my own age but he was from the hidden sand. I missed him a lot, but because of my brothers I have not been able to visited him for two years. Maybe Papa and Pappy would let me go see him one day. 

Time skip at the playground

I walked into the play ground and saw a boy with yellow hair sitting all alone one a swing while some other kids were being picked up by their parents. I could see sadness in his eyes that remind me of my old friend. He looked so lonely and I could see the eyes that all the other people at the playground. I slowly walked over to him and put on a bright smile. 

"wanna play" I asked and he just looked at me in disbelieve. He did not seem use to anyone talking to him. I sighed and said "My name is Yuki whats yours". The boys eyes blinked wildly as he looked directly into mine.

"Naruto Uzumaki, but you can call me Naruto" he yelled out as a big smile grew on his face and a giggle came from my lips as I saw the Christmas lights in his eyes.                 

"Okay Naruto, I am new here wanna be my friend" I said as I reached out my hand. He grabbed onto it and rose from the swing as he said "of course I don't mind having me as a friend". The last part came out a bit sad. 

"why would I not want to be your friend" I asked cheerfully. Naruto rubbed the back of his head and said "most people are scared of me".  I took a hold of his hand and squeezed it while saying "well I am not, so wanna play a game to tag". He nodded and I quickly pressed a hand on his chest yelling "your it" as I ran off.

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