Chapter 14: A new friend

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Naruto POV

Sakura and Ino were trying to get emo faces attention and all he did was look out the window. Seriously what does that guy have that I don't have and why in the worlds does Sakura like him so much. The door to the classroom opened any everyone's attention turned towards the door. 

Iruka sensei came into the room and within seconds my eyes fell on Yuki-chan that was holding his hand. That kimono she was wearing looked real good on her and I could help but smile as I thought of us going in the same class.

"quiet down kids" Iruka sensei yelled out into the class room and everyone went to sit down. Every single person in the class was staring at little Yuki. I even caught Sasuke taking a few glimpse at her.

"okay class, this girl is new to the Leaf village and will become your new classmate so please be nice to her" he said while placing a hand behind Yuki-chans back pushing a bit closer to us so we could see her probably. Iruka sensei looked down at her as he said "please introduce yourself to the rest of the class".  

"My name is Yuki, it is nice to meet you all" she said while making a small bow. A warm smile filled her face and some of the boys had begun to blush. 

"okay, Yuki please take a seat" Iruka said.

Yuki POV

I was so happy to see that Naruto was going in the same class is me. My eyes feel one a girl with white eyes and dark purple like hair. She seemed like a nice person so I walked up the empty seat next to her. I gave her a smile and said "nice to meet you, what your name". Her cheeks were flushed and she looked down at her hands in shyness.

"Hinata Hyuga" she said with a low voice. I pointed at the seat in between us and asked "mind if I sit next to you". Panic formed in her eyes as she gave me a nod. I sat down next to Hinata and Iruka started the lesson. Hinata seemed like a nice person, maybe she would like to be friends with me. 

Time skip  

"okay students it is time for Taijutsu pratice, so let go outside" Iruka sensei said all of the sudden. We all followed Iruka sensei outside to the outdoor training area. I talked with Hinata all the way outside and found out that she was from the famous Hyuga clan. 

"okay students you be fighting each other one against one" Iruka said as he began to explain the rules of the matches. The first person to get 3 "deadly" hits wins and the fighters would be pick randomly. We all sat on a few benches a bit away from the fighting ground and of course me and Hinata sat next to each other. I saw that Naruto was trying to find a seat and yelled to him "Naruto why don't you site with us". 

I could see all the other kids giving me a confused look while Hinata just started blushing. Maybe it was because I knew Narutos no that couldn't  be it. The looks they were giving Naruto and me were something else but I just couldn't put my finger on what it was. 

"Thanks Yuki-chan" Naruto said as he came over to me and Hinata. I moved a bit so he could sit in between me and Hinata, but it seemed to make Hinata face turn crimson. Seriously I hope that she is alright maybe she is getting sick or something. I just ask her when we have a break. 

Iruka sensei put everyones names on a piece of paper and then into a bowl. He picked up two pieces of paper from the bowl. 

"Choji against shikamaru" he said and a boy with his hair in a spiky ponytail followed by a panda cup  size boy with red hair walked over to Iruka sensei. The two boys took a fighting stand and Iruka sensei held up his hand up in the air. 

"One, two, three go" he said while taking his hands into his pockets like Kakashi-sama always did. The boy Shikamaru ran towards Choji mumbling something I could not hear. They started there fight off pretty good, and Choji blocked every single one of Shikamarus attacks. 

Time skip

The fight end with Choji wining because Shikamaru was too lazy too continue the fight, even though if it was a serious fight he would probably have won against Choji. Iruka senpai draw two new names out of the bowl and said "Ino and Sakura". I could see the two girls giving each other a death glare as the walked over to Iruka sensei. 

Instead of fight the two girls just began arguing about who was going to marry some dude name Sasuke Uchiha. That boy has the same last name as Itachi nii, maybe they know each other. I will ask Itachi when I see him again, but first I have to wait and see who this Sasuke guy is. The girls ended up having a cat fight and after ten minutes Iruka sensei split the two girl apart and made them sit down. Seriously does girl how are they ever going to become ninjas, if they act like spoiled brats. 

"Okay next up is Sasuke and Naruto" Iruka sensei, but he did say Narutos name a bit lower than the other guys. I could see a smile form on Naruto face as he rose from his seat. He turned towards me with a smirk on his face as he said "when I win this fight Yuki, lets go out and get some ramen". Some of the other kids were laughing in the background, but I just gave him a smile and said "do your best Naruto,  I will be cheering for you".

Naruto walked up to Iruka sensai and my eyes feel on the boy that was already standing there. Wait a moment that boy looks exactly like Itachi nii-chan, if nii-chan was an emo that is, but seriously they must be brothers to look that much alike. Didn't Itachi nii once told me that he had a younger brother, but that boy was suppose to be cute, this one just like a f** up emo. Seriously Hidan language is contagious. 

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