Chapter 12; Friendship

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No one POV

Laughter filled the playground as the two children ran around playing their little game of tag for a few hours. They fell onto a spot filled with grass as they gasped for air. Naruto fell onto his back as he looked up at the big clouds. For a while they just looked at the clouds and told each other what that one cloud looked like a bunny and the other a bowl of ramen. Suddenly you could hear a rumbling sound coming from Narutos stomach. His cheeks flushed bright red as Yuki turned towards him with her innocent eyes.

"Naruto wanna go get some dango with me" Yuki asked while looking down at the happy Naruto. He gave her a small nod and they rose from the ground and walked towards a small dango shop just across the playground. They ordered a plate of dango sticks and two cups of tea. Naruto began telling Yuki all about his dream of becoming the Hokage while eating his dango.

Naruto POV

I have never meet a person like Yuki, usually people would look at me with hate, but she simply just smiled at me and wanted to be my friend. Yuki had gotten a small piece of dango on her cheek and a giggle escaped my lips.

"Yuki you have something there" I said while pointing at the spot on my own face. She smiled at me and removed it with the edge of her sleeve.

"What about you, whats your dream" I asked while placing my empty dango stick on the plate. She looked towards the sky and said with sadness "I want to know who I really am". I could feel an uncomfortable felling the air as I said "need to talk about it". Naruto you are an idiot, she will probably be made at you for asking such a personal question, I though while mentally slapping myself.

Yuki POV

Naruto if only I could tell you, I through while placing my finished dango stick on the plate. I gave Naruto a warm smile as I noticed the panic in his eyes. I rose from my site as I saw Kakashi-sama and Guy-sama carrying each other as they head towards us.

"Naruto, I need to go my parents are here" I said while placing the money for the dango on the plate. I could see loneliness form in his eyes as he looked towards his feet. I patted his head the same way my Papa did to me and asked "wanna play together again tomorrow". Once again the Christmas lights formed in his eyes and he gave a me a nod. I ran towards my fathers as I yelled to Naruto "meet you here tomorrow".

Time skip

I was walking home with Papa and Pappy that were asking me all about what I had been doing at the playground while they had been running around the Leaf village. With a smile on my face and began to tell them about the boy I had become friends with and Papa seemed happy that I had made friends with someone, but an overprotective aura was covering Guy-sama and he yelled that he would not let some boy take away his little girl.

When we got home Kakashi-sama and Guy-sama told me about that I was to start at the ninja academy in a few days, where I would meet a lot of kids my age. I was looking forward to meeting more people my age, since I was not entirely use to being around kids my age.

Time skip

The next few days I used playing with my friends Naruto and making ready to start at the academy. Naruto told me he was going at the same school that I was to attend, which made me feel a lot more at ease since I at least would know one person.

The day before I was about to starts school Papa and Pappy had both gone on a mission, so they gave me some money so I could by some practice kunai and shurikens. I had asked Naruto to come with me since it would be more fun if you were two people.

Naruto took me to a shop filled with all kinds of Ninja weapons and we started looking through all the different types of Kunai and Shurikens there were. It was like looking for a needle in a hay stack. After some time though we found a few we thought would be good for practiced and the shop keeper took us into a room where we could try them out. Naruto ended up hitting fare away from the mark and got mad at some of the kunai. It was fun to look at his yelling at a object.

I ended up buying 4 kunais and 3 shurikens. Naruto took me to his favorite ramen shop and eat about ten bowls of ramen while I only eat two. We payed for the food and Naruto walked me back home. I invited him inside and we sat down in one of the train halls. It was fun hearing Naruto stories about his teacher Iruka sensei and how he wanted to painted on the Hokage mountain. I told him that his teacher would probably get extremely mad at him if he did, but Naruto did not seem to care about that fact.

I was glad by that fact that both me and Naruto were the same age so there might be a chance of us going in the same class. It was a lovely feeling to have Naruto as a friend. Of course I had to let Naruto meet Mr wiskers soon, but I want to wait until after tomorrow. I just couldn't wait to see how it would be like to go to school and make friends. My cuts from the little accident in the kitchen had healed so I don't have to wear does bandaged anymore.

The night fell over the Leaf village and I said goodbye to Naruto. After a few minutes Papa came home wearing his ANBU mask, while I was sitting down in the living room with Mr wiskers. I gave him a cheerful smile as he took of his mask.

"How was your mission Papa" I asked while running up to him with Mr wisker in my arms. He gave me a smile and said "It was alright, but isn't it passed your bedtime Yuki-chan". I rubbed my face against Mr wiskers head and mumbled "I don't like to sleep alone, Papa and pappy has not come home yet". He smiled at me and lifted me up into his arms.

"okay, do you wanna sleep with Papa" he said while moving his hand though my hair. I gave him a nod and he took me into my bedroom and we both got ready to get to bed.

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