chapter 9; sleeping time

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Tried to find a picture that would look like Yuki waking up from a nightmare but this is the best I could find so take this girl and make her hair black and remove the bandaged and such and then you have Yuki-chan with her stuffed animal Mr. wiskers.


Kakashi POV

It seems like yuki-chan was more tired than she thought. Guy and I lifted her over to her room and placed her in the futon. Mr wiskers was placed next to her by Guy. I turned off the light and we both went out of the room leaving Yuki with mister wiskers in her arms.
"Guy do you really think that we can raise that little girl" I said as we walked towards another room not fare from Yukis.
" kakashi of course we can, a child raised by the leaf village copi cat and the blue beast is bound to turn out great" Guy said while sending me a thumps up .
Maybe Guy was right beside Yuki would be much safer with us than those people she calls her brother.

Kisame POV

Itachi and I was running faster than ever before. I knew he was worried about Yuki, hell I was too but it doesn't help if he collapses from exhaustion before we reach the hideout.

Time skip still Kisame POV

We reach the hideout without any problems and rushed into Peins office. I could see the hint of surprise in his face as we smacked his door open.
"Where is Yuki" cam out of Peins mouth as he scanned both of us trying to see if she was hiding somewhere.
"I am sorry leader-sama but Yuki was kidnapped by a pair of leaf village ninjas" i said breaking the weird silence in the room.
Madness filled Pein face and quickly ordered us to tell what happen. SERIOUSLY if this is Peins reaction from hearing these new I don't want to think of what Konan is going to be like. She loves Yuki like her younger sister almost a daughter at some points.

Timeskip brought to you by Pein destroy his office

We all walked into the living room of the Akatsuki hideout since every deserve to now. Sasori and deidara began to yell about how they would use those bastards that took Yuki in their art. Hidan left the room in anger probably going out to find some poor guy he could take his anger out on and sacrifice to Jashin.
Everyone was taking this situation in their own way. Konan decided to attack me and Itachi with paper bombs for having let Yuki down and let ninjas kidnap her.
After sometime it was decided that Sasori should use the bunny he had given to Yuki to get a hold of her and see how she was doing. The rest of us should wait until we knew more about Yukis situation.

No one point of view

Guy gave kakashi a room that was next to his own, and as both of them were about to go to sleep they could hear screaming coming from Yukis room.
Kakashi and Guy ran to Yukis bedroom and forced opened the door. When they looked down at her, they could see tears streamed down her cheeks as sweat covered her forehead. She holding tightly onto her bunny and her eyes were glowing. Around her were small piles of snow.
Kakashi rushed over to her and took her into a warm embrace while Guy looked down at the snow.

What is snow doing here, don't tell me that this girl is able to create snow out of the blue.
" Yuki are you alright, what happened " I said while kakashi was calming our little girl down from what ever had scared her.
" it was so dark and I was all alone" she mumbled while rubbing her blood shut eyes. Moisted filled my eyes as kakashi said" Yuki are you by any change afraid of the dark".
Her cheeks flushed at kakashis remark and I could see her fumbling with the edge of her kimonosleeve while looking down at the ground.
I placed a hand on her shoulder and said" Yuki it is alright to be afraid of the dark" as I tried to help kakashi confording her.
"NO IT IS NOT" she yelled out but quickly placed her hands in front of her mouth looking surprised at her own outburst.
"Hidan would always tease me telling me that a ninja should not be afraid of the dark" she mumbled and a smile filled kakashi face as he then said "but Hidan is not here, is he Yuki".
Yukis blinked her eyes slowly as you could see the deep concentration that kakashi had put our little girl into. He truly is a youthful sensei able to calm down a child with out any problems I thought while tears streamed down my cheeks looking at the lovely scene.

Time skip kakashi POV
Yuki had finally calmed down in my arms and I laided her down into the futon with Guy on the other side. When we were about to leave the room, yuki grabbed onto my right hand and Guys left hand with he tiny fingers.
" please don't go" she mumbled underneath the sheets. I gave here a soft smile and brushed her hair.
"Okay Yuki, Guy and I are going to stay right here until you fall asleep" I said while glancing towards Guy.

Time skip 10 minutes

Yuki had finally fallen asleep and next to her was a sleeping Guy. I could feel my own eyes grow heavy as I a yawn escaped my lips. The snow in the room had already melted away. I carefully removed a hair from Yukis cute sleeping face.
Darkness fell over me and before I could do anything I had fallen asleep.

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