Chapter 20: yuki-chan letter

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Kakashi POV

When Yuki had fallen asleep after her training, I carried her to bed. Guy came through the front door and yelled out " I AM HOME", like if he was a husband coming home to his wife and kid. I went to the front door and placed a finger in front of my mouth while saying "Be quiet Yuki is sleeping". He had a bag filled with groceries in his arms.

Guy nodded and we both walked into the kitchen. We put away the things he had brought and I made a cup of tea for both of us. We seat down opposite of each other as we began to drink our tea.

"Guy, I need to talk to you about Yuki" I said with a serious tone. Worry began to fill Guys eyes as he spat out "Whats wrong, has my little princess gotten hurt or something, was it a boy", while leaning towards me. Seriously who would have guess that Guy was such and overprotective parent. His eyes were like that of a guard dog and I could see the tension in every single fiber of his body.

"Guy,Guy relax, beside don't you think Yuki-chan is a bit young to be in love with a boy" I said trying to calm the blue beast down, before he would destroy a wall. Guy sat back down into his seat and said "you are probably right Kakashi, so what was it about my little princess". I sighed while looking down into my half filled tea cup.

"Guy you know have a ninja is only suppose to have one core nature chakra right" I said while looking towards him. Guy looked at me dumbfounded and said "of course Kakashi, it is impossible to have more than one core nature charka".

"that's what I thought until a few hours ago when Yuki used the chakra paper and ended up showing signs of having 3 core Nature chakras" I said while looking at Guy that was getting a dumbfounded expression on his face.

"but, but that is impossible" Guy sensei said as wrinkles over his brows. I shook my head and said "well somehow it is possible for Yuki". Guy took another sip of his tea and asked "okay what do we do".

"we just keep going as we original planned, and tomorrow while yuki is at the academy we tell the Hokage about our little discovery" I said. The door to the kitchen opened and in the door frame stood Yuki in a white nightgown with her bunny in her hands.

Yuki POV

My eyes opened to the sound of Pappy yelling "I AM HOME". I snuggled up to Mr wiskers and rose from my bed. Pappy how am I suppose to sleep when you make so much noise, I mumbled while walking over to my desk. I took out forth a pen and paper, while placing my bunny on the desk. Okay since Pappy and Papa is home, I might as well work on my little to my hidden sand friend.

Dear Gaara-chan

I am now living in the village know as the hidden Leaf. My brothers are out traveling the world like they did when I meet your a few years back. Wanna now something awesome I have finally gotten myself parents, but it is not a mom and dad, but two dads instead. They adopted me after a little accident happen on a little trip I took with two of my brother. How are things in the Sand, miss you a lot and sorry about not haven't been able to write to you soon a lot of things have happened so I hope you understand. You should come to the Leaf village soon, so we can play together, I even made a new friend that I think you might like his name is Naruto and he is a lot of fun to be with. I am gonna write my new address on the back of this letter so you know where to find me if you ever come to the leaf village. Mister wiskers have been a bit lonely since my Papa and Pappy wanted me to start on the ninja academy, so I don't have time to play with him every day.


your best friends Yuki and Mr wiskers

I closed the envelope and wrote Gaara-chans address on the envelope and place a drawing of mister wiskers on the corner. Now all I have to do is make Papa and Pappy send the letter for me. I walked out of my room and headed towards the dimming light from the kitchen. When I came closer to the door, I overheard my dads talking about me having 3 types of Nature chakra.

I opened the door and both their eyes turned towards me. Papa looked at me and said "Yuki-chan you should be in bed now, what are you still doing up". I walked over to Papa with the letter inbetween my fingers while looking down at my feet.

"Papa, I have a friend in the hidden sand village and I wonder if it would be alright if I could send him a letter telling him that I am alright" I said and big smile appeared on Pappy face as he rose from his seat. He walked over to me and yelled out "Yuki what youthfulness your are showing your friend, by sending a letter about how you are doing, Of course me and your Papa will help you with sending out your letter". I giggled as he lifted me into his arms and snuggled our cheeks against each other.

"Okay Yuki-chan hand me the letter and then I will send it in the morning " Papa said and reach out his hand. I placed the red envelope in his hands and guy-sama gave me a big hug again.

"okay lets get my little princess to bed shall we" Pappy-sama said while lifting me towards my bedroom. I hope Gaara-chan while be happy with the letter I send him, I thought as I fell asleep that night.

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