Chapter 32: C-ranked mission

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Kakashi POV

Yuki-chan eat on of the dango sticks I had brought for her. She was smiling like a cute little girl who could not hurt a fly. How could such a cute girl hold such power and further more be able to hid it from both Gai and I. Maybe I am just over thinking everything, besides who knows what she must have gone through when she lived the akatsuki. 

"Naruto eat" a voice said and both Yuki and I turned our attention towards her classamates that were sitting near the KIA stone. Joy filled her eyes as she mumbled "I knew you could do it, Naruto-kun". I smiled and rose from my seat.

"well shall I surprise them" I asked looking down at my daughter. She nodded and began putting away our lunch. As Naruto was about to take a bite I appeared in front of them with the best angry face I could. Sweat was dripping down all of their foreheads and the two bento boxes had been dropped down onto the ground. 

"Did I not tell you not to feed Naruto" I yelled at them as the smoke began to fade away. They all looked around in panic and started mumbling random words. A smile came on my face as I said "you guys passed". 

Yuki POV

"WHAAAT" Naruto yelled out while Sasuke and Sakura looked at my papa with confusion. I pressed my hand against my mouth trying to contain the laughter. A sigh came from my father as he said "well it is simple when you are on ninja mission team work is the key to survival, let me show you, Sasuke kill Naruto, Sakura kills Sasuke if he refuses and Yuki kill all of them if they do not do it". 

"You can just make us kill each other" Sakura said while looking at Sasuke with worry. My father shook his head "when you are on a mission you don't know what is going to happen, so that way a team must stick together no matter what, because those." 

"Because those who break the rules are scums, but does who leave a comrade to die alone is worse  that scum" I continued while gaining all of their attention. My father nodded and said "okay go home and get some rest tomorrow we will start training". 

Sasuke left the place without saying goodbye and Sakura followed after him like a lost puppy. Father was looking at the KIA stone not fare from us. Naruto walked up to me with a grin on his face as he asked "what is that your old man is looking at ".

"It is a KIA stone" I mumbled looking down at my feet, while biting down on my lips.Naruto yelled out "sounds cool, I wanna be one a stone like that someday". I turned towards Naruto and said "Naruto I would rather die than see one of my friends on such a stone". Naruto looked at me with confusion, while having a hand behind his head, making a facial expression that yelled out what do you mean. 

"Naruto this is a Killed in action stone" Papa said and turned towards us. Naruto looked down at the ground scraping on of his feet around in a circle movement. He mumbled "ohh", while having his eyes on the ground.  

"I am sorry, Yuki-chan, I did not know " he mumbled still having his eyes on the ground. I walked over to my father and saw his eyes focused on the name Obito Uchiha. I pulled his sleeve and his eyes turned towards me as he softly said "what is it Yuki".

"Obito-kun would not want you to be sad Papa" I said while holding onto his shaking fist. His hand relaxed and he softly patted me on the head while saying "how have I ever been able to survive without you, Yuki-chan". Papa turn away from the stone and walked out of the training area.

Papa what did actually happen to Obito-kun, I thought while taking one last glace at the stone. Naruto placed a hand on my shoulder and asked "wanna go for some ramen", while having a cheerful smile on his lips. I nodded and said "lets make it a race, whoever gets their last has to pay for the other person". Naruto nodded and we both ran towards the ramen store. 


Naruto and I had been ninjas for a few weeks now doing mission like chase after a cat and helping people around the village. Our team had improved a bit, but Naruto and sasuke were still fighting each other when ever I turned my back against them, while Sakura just hit naruto and got lost in her little becoming Sasukes wife fantasy. Papa had told pappy about ying and yang, so whenever I was not together with my team I would be training with my katanas. 

We were on our way to the hokage building to get a new mission and Naruto was complain all the way about the missions being to easy and that they were not really ninja mission. We came into the hokage office and the hokage began talking about a new D-ranked mission, but Naruto told him that he was sick and tired of getting boring mission.

"Okay naruto I will give you a C-rank mission where you have to escort a bridge builder to the land of waves, bring in the bridge builder" Hokage-san said and a smile spread across Naruto face. I weird feeling came in my stomach as a drunk man came into the room. 

"what the hell are these kids going to protect me, you must be joking" he spat out followed by a million insults. Naruto almost got into a fight with the drunk man if it was not for papa that had grabbed onto Narutos jacket and lifted him off the ground. 

"we will be leaving the leaf village tomorrow morning" Papa said and after getting some more details about the mission, we all walked out of the room. I decided to head out shopping for the mission tomorrow and went to the marked. 

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