Chapter 19; Playing Cupid

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Yuki POV

At lunch time I managed to escape from Sasukes claws and ended up having my lunch with Naruto on the academy rooftop. I asked Hinata if she wanted to join us, but she told me that she had already promised to eat with someone else. Of course at that time I noticed the two crazy fan girl glaring at Hinata, which made it even more difficult for Hinata to talk so we had to wait five minutes of our 30 minutes break on her telling us that she could not eat with us.

The lunch Papa had made me was filled with rice-balls, sausage that looked like octopuses and all kinds of delicious fruits. Arigato I said in my mind to my Papa as I began to dig in while Naruto was already halfway through his own meal.

When we got back to class, the duck headed idiot forced me to sit next to him again. Seriously he does not even talk to me and still he wants me to sit next to him, beside if looks could kill I would already have died over 100 times just today!!!

Time skip

I walked over to Naruto and Hinata when the last class had ended. Now it was time to set my plan in motion, I thought. Naruto was stuffing his thing down into his backpack while Hinata had already finished putting away her things.

"Naruto, Hinata are you guys ready to get some dango" I said while sending them a big smile. They both nodded and we head out to find some dango. What did not notice was that the duckhead had overheard our conversation!!!

Time skip

Okay time to set the plan in action, I thought as the waitress came over with our dango. I took a peace of dango into my hand and glanced rose from my seat faking the panic forming in my face.

"I am sorry guys, but I completely forgot that my parents told me that I have to get home early today" I said while placing a few coins to pay for the dango and then run of yelling "I see you guys tomorrow".

I hid behind a building not fare from the dango stand and saw Hinata and Naruto looking dumbfounded in the directions I had ran. They started talking and after a short time a giggle came from Hinata, YES MY PLAN WORKED. I walked towards my home leaving the two lovebirds alone, since they did not need me anymore. My mind drifted off to my happy places while I started humming a song I used to sing for my old friend in the sand.

After some time I bumped into something or someone. I fell to the ground and when I looked up, I saw guess WHO, duckbutt. Seriously is that guy stalking me or what. I rose from the ground and started walking again with out as much as looking at him. He began following behind me and I started walking faster, but he just started moving faster.

"seriously what is it with you, stop following me" I yelled towards him while sending him and angry glare. I smirked at me and said "well, my house is not fare from yours and besides I am interested in getting to know how you blocked my fireball jutsu with that Ice jutsu of yours".

"I am sorry but I ain't telling you so you might as well leave me alone" I yelled at him and began jumping onto the rooftops running home as fast as I could. Seriously I don't want anything to do with a mean boy that treated my friend Naruto that way.

Time skip

I managed to get home with out bumping into that boy again, seriously he might be related to Itachi onii-chan, but does two are nothing alike. When I came into the house Kakashi-sama was the only one home. His ANBU mask was sitting on the kitchen table, probably just got home from a mission. Papa and Pappy told me that they would go on mission I a way that would make it so at least one of them was home when I wasn't in school.

"Yuki-chan are you ready for some ninjutsu training" he said while placing the book he was reading down into his pocket. A smile formed on my lips as I gave him a small nod. We walked into the training hall. Kakashi took out a piece of paper and placed into into my small hands.

"Okay I want you to focus your chakra into this piece of paper, so we can find your chakra element" he said. I nodded and took a deep breath while pouring my chakra into the paper. The paper split into two, but one half was soaked and the other wrinkled. Papa-sama looked down at me with confusion and said "Maybe there is something wrong with the paper lets try again" while handing me a new piece, but the same thing happened again.
"Papa is something there something wrong" I said seeing as his face became a bit frustrated. I gave me a smile while rubbing the back of his head.

"you see, Yuki-chan normal a ninja only has one core chakra nature and then they can unlock another one, but it seems like you have 3 core chakra natures"

"is that a bad thing" I said while moist filled my eyes as I looked towards my feet.

"No of course not Yuki-chan, I just said it was not normal" Kakashi-sama said while going down to my height level as he rubbed my cheeks.

"Okay lets start training shall we" he said while giving me a smile underneath his mask. I nodded and before long I was training in how to make a lighting ball appear in the palm of my hand. Papa had shown me his Jutsu named the chidori and told me than when I was ready for it, he would teach it to me.

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