Chapter 27: Running into emo-face

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Yuki POV

It had gotten dark outside when I heard Papa and Pappy coming in through the front door. I walked into the hallway wearing a pair of black shorts and a white T-shirt with a turtle hugging a dog print on the front. On the back of my T-shirt stood love comes in all forms. I stood in the doorway to the living room that led towards the entrance. Papa's eyes meet mine as he placed his shoes on the floor. 

"Yuki why are you still up" he asked and Pappy quickly turned towards me as well. I played with a lock of my hair while looking towards my feet. 

"I couldn't sleep" I said shyly, being embarrassed about the fact, that I still could not sleep alone even though I had just passed the ninja exam.  A soft facial expression filled Pappy face while Papa walked over to me. Papa placed a hand on my head and went down on his knees. I could see a smile hidden underneath his mask as he moved his hand through my hair. 

"Want to sleep with Pappy or Papa tonight" he asked and Pappy started making his puppy eyes in the background. Half a smile came on my lips as I softly asked "do I have to choose". A hint of surprise was on both of their faces. Kakashi-sama sighed and said "I am okay with it, if Guy is", while a small anime sweat drop was on his face. 

Moishad formed in Pappy-sama's eyes when Papa and I turned towards him. In less than a second he had Papa and I in a tight embrace while yelling out "of course it is okay with Papa". 

Before long Papa and Pappy had taken on their own pajamas and had their futon rolled out. One was on the right side of mine and the others was on the left. Papa had a blue pajamas with dog-biscuits imprinted on it, while Pappy had a green pajamas with rainbow colored baby turtles on it.

We all went to bed and before long I could feel my parents warmth against me on each side of me. I felt safe and fell soundly asleep, while hugging Mr.  Wiskers. 

Time Skip

I was walking to school excited about finding out what team I was on. Papa had told me, he had some important to do so he took off really early this morning which was really weird. Pappy on the other hand had to go meet up with his team for morning practice. I had the cookies that I baked yesterday in my school bag, hope that my friends will like them. 

I still felt a little weird after the dream I had tonight or actually it was one of few dream I actually had. The dream was simple, I was sitting in a dark space where everything was black. A lovely voice then starts singing a song that I have never really heard before. As the song continues a silhouette appears, but when I reach out for it, the figure vanishes and I wake up. 

My body feel towards the ground as something blocked my path. I rubbed my forehead and the smile on my face vanished when I saw the idiot I had walked into. A smirk was on his face as he looked down at me. He had his hair in the classic duck-butt style and both his hands were in his pockets. 

"It seems like you have fallen for me, Yuki-chan" he said while reaching his hand down towards me. Seriously that is the lamest pickup line, I have ever heard, why is this boy even related with Itachi nii, I through as I smacked his hand a way.

"I don't need your help emo-face" I said while lifting myself off the ground. He kept having that creepy smirk on his face, probably finding my remark amusing. I started walking passed him and towards the academy, but of course that idiot had to follow after me. 

Naruto POV

I can't wait to show Yuki-chan my head band, I thought sitting at my spot in the classroom. If I am lucky me and Yuki-chan while get one the same team and we can go on all the adventures we talked about together. Of course  it would be really great if I was teamed up with Sakura as well, maybe Yuki-chan could help me make Sakura fall in love with me.

The door to the classroom opened and I saw Yuki-chan walked into the room with a frustrated expression. I quickly figured out the reason behind her frustration when I saw that smart-ass Sasuke behind her. When will he understand that Yuki-chan is not interested in that face of his.
"Yuki-chan over here " I yelled trying to come to her aid. Her eyes were shinning like the sun when she saw me pointing at the empty seat next to me and she rushed towards the seat. Sasuke had to take a seat fare away from Yuki now.
"Naruto I see you got your headband now" she said as she sat down next to me. I rubbed the back of my head while sending her a big smile. 

"of course, I told you that Iruka sensei just needed to adjust it" I lied. There is no need for Yuki-chan to know what I did last night. That idiot to sasuke suddenly said "Naruto, this class is only for people that passed the genin exam". Yuki-chan looked at him with confusion written all over her face as she yelled back "Emo-face, Naruto-kun did pass his exam or else he would have a headband and beside Iruka sensei just need to adjust it for him". 

"He probably stole it from someone" he yelled and I could see Yuki-chan's face grow completely red. I placed a hand on her shoulder to calm her. 

"Sasuke, I did not steal the headband, I got it because I passed the genin exam, so shut up emo-face" I yelled back at him and a giggle came from Yuki-chan as I sensed the fangirl's glaring at me. Before Sasuke could talk back, Iruka sensei came into the classroom with a paper in his hand. 

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